XXXIII : stucked

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"i'm really sorry to deliver to you this unfortunate news." the ceo broke down the silent atmosphere that has been present for almost 10 minutes. after that day, i went to our dorm and locked myself in my room. locking myself up won't do any help in this situation but i don't know what to do except that. hyojong later on talked to me that helped me put my mind in ease.

here we are now, all of us, gathered here in yanan's room in th hospital. our manager relayed a message to us that the ceo will talk to us. when he came, the room was dead silent, no one had the gut to speak anything.

"daepyo-nim, please don't do this. you don't have to cancel the mini-concert just because of my situation. in a week or two, i can start practicing again. just please don't do this." yanan pleaded to him.

"i'm sorry, yanan but i can't take back my words. for the meantime, take your time to rest and do whatever you want." he said. all of us were wearing a frown on our faces. 


"you don't have to worry about your debut, with or without the mini-concert, it's stil a go. you all must have been very tired the past few weeks, it would be perfect to have a rest. i will just call your manager if anything has been decided regarding your debut. i'll be off now." he grabbed his coat and left the room.

as a leader, what should i do in this situation?

"stop frowning, guys. it's just the mini-concert that's cancelled, not the debut." i tried my best to lift the mood up. i can't stand seeing them losing hope like that. look at how far we've been through, i won't stay still in this situation.

"hyung's right, guys. put away all the negative thoughts and we have to look forward on our debut." hongseok said to the other members.

"pentagon won't be pentagon without t, e, and n," yuto said that made us think, "you understand what i mean, right?"

"i get it!" yanan proudly answered his younger one.

"me too!" hyunggu and changgu added.

i was relieved that made us all laugh despite this unfortunate situation we are facing right now. this will be over and good days will come soon. it should.


"it feels good to be home again." i said as i entered our unit. we lasted in the hospital for almost a week and that made me conclude that hospital is not a good place to stay for long.

"i'm gonna shower first!" hyojong said and went to the bathroom.

"i clearly told you that i'll go first!" i dropped my things on the floor and shouted to him, "hey! open the door!"

"no." he answered.

"hey, kim hyojong! open this or else i'll break this down!" i threatened him. he's the type that is not easily shaken so i don't think he'll be shaken to what i threatened to him.

the door suddenly opened and the warm water welcomed me. this is so freaking hot!

"i will kill you, kim hyojong! i will kill you!" i shouted to him and he said,

"sending you good lucks, mate." he said sarcastically and sticked out his tounge. that guy!

i went to my room and took of my shirt thay is soaking wet and ruffled my hair with a towel. i will really make sure to kill that guy! i was in the middle of finding a shirt when the doorbell rang. it could be shinwon. i told him to get the watermelon and bananas that my mom sent to me a few days ago. but wait, how could he be this fast to arrive? wooseok and shinwon went straight to the grocery store after we left the hospital.

"hey! how could you be---," i opened the door and it's not shinwon, it's soojin.

"hui!" she spread her arms wide and hugged me. oh no, i don't have any top on!


"jieun told me that you left the hospital earlier and i went straight here. wait--- why are so h---," she stopped clunging to me when she saw me without any top on.

"oh my... oh my gosh, hui. s-sorry i-i don't know---," she stuttered and looked away. i quickly adjusted the small towel to cover my body.

"i-it's okay. go in first." i told her and she came in with her eyes closed. why didn't i wear any top!

"soojin where are---," i lost track of her and i saw one of her shoes outside my room.

i went inside my room and i accidentally closed it. she was freely lying on my bed like it was hers.

"wow, this is so soft." she said and flapped her feet. "omg, sorry hui, i didn't knew this was your room."

"don't mind it. sorry if my room is too messy, i haven't cleaned it since we became so busy." i said and picked up some of my clothes from the floor.

"y-you change first, i'll just wait for you outside." she got up from my bed and tried to open the door but i won't.

"hui, i think there's something wrong with your doorknob." she said.

there goes my doorknob again! there are two things why i hate this room, first, the doorknob was placed on wrong ways, secondly, when this room is closed, it becomes a soundproof one. no one can hear you from the outside unless you break this door down. i don't know why they placed the door knob like that. are they drunk while installing it or what?

"yes, it has. when we moved in this unit, the doorknob was installed in wrong ways, the one with the locking control part was placed on the outside. that's why i don't close my door. sorry, i accidentally closed it earlier without my knowledge." i explained to her.

"is hyojong in here? we should try shouting so that he can hear us and open the door." she said.

"i also forgot to tell you that no one can hear you from the outside if the room is closed." i replied to her.

"what should we do now?" she groaned and sat on the floor.

"guess we're stucked here." i said and looked at her.

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