XXX : my first kiss

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WARNING : this chapter may contain r-18 scenes. if you are under 18 and purely innocent, i advise you to skip the r-18 scene paragraph in this chapter. but still, it's your choice whether you read it or not.

"eat slowly, no one is chasing you." i jokingly teased her. after playing some games after we rode the ferris wheel, both of our stomachs growled in hunger. we both craved for kimchi and tofu so we chose budae jjigae for dinner.

"i haven't ate this for months and i missed the taste!" she said before digging in to the stew.

"heol, seo soojin."


my eyes glanced to my wristwatch, it's 6:45 pm already and everland was jampacked. we couldn't walk freely because of the crowed. soojin's shoulders keeps on bumping on my arms. i grabbed her hands and she clung it to mine.

"hold tightly, i don't want to loose you." i said at her.

we later on moved to a less crowded place, well, much better than earlier. a deep sigh came out from our mouths.

"wah, the crowd was so crazy!" she groaned in exhaustion.

"well, i never knew that there would be a lot of people in here." i replied.

"you looked cool earlier!" she tried to say it in a whispering way.

"what? louder, please." i teased her.

"you know... earlier." my brows furrowed on what she meant.

"huh? earlier? earlier what?" i asked her.

"the way you ruffled your wet hair earlier looked cool." she shyly said.

"stop joking." i stammered.

"i'm not joking!" she sounded defensively.

what? me? looked cool?

"do you really think so?" i stopped walking and bended a little.

my body lowered and faced her. her eyes were a bit trembling, not knowing what to do nor to say.

i felt a slight push from my back that made me loose my balance. then next thing i knew, my lips landed on hers.

what in the hell just happened?


"t-thank you f-for spending time with me today. i-i had lots of fun." she stuttered.

"i'm glad y-you enjoyed today." i can't help but stutter also.

an unknown silence came in between us. what just happened earlier popped again in my mind. no! that was embarassing! i mean it's not that embarassing but it was also embarassing because we ki---. i can't even say it!

"a-about what happened earlier," my hands went to my nape, "i---,"

"no, no! it's okay! i mean, you didn't do it on purpose so it was an accident. yes! an accident!" she cut me in.

"right. just an accident." those words kept repeating on my mind.

a loud and long beep was heard from afar. it didn't sounded that loud so i'm pretty sure it was not so far here.

"did you hear that?" i asked soojin and she nodded. "let's take a look."

the alley was a bit dark and it looked scary. i grabbed soojin's shoulder and tucked her near me. i feel so much overwhelmed knowing i can protect her in this little momeny. as long as i can protect her, i will always.

the beep continued and we can clearly hear where that beep was. on a one dark street, i saw a silver car with it's headlights flickering. the window was transparent but i can't see who's inside since it's dark. i grabbed soojin's hands and we both went in there.

i kept her at my back and knocked at the window but there was no response. i knocked once again and the window slowly slided down.

i can't believe what i'm seeing! my virgin eyes! hyuna was sitting on hyojong's lap and, and, and they were kissing like crazy! wah, this is insanely crazy!

"ya! ya! yadong! yadong!" soojin screamed when she saw her sister kissing my friend.

the two were caught aback. their faces expressed as if they saw a ghost.

"oh soojin, annyeong!" hyuna sarcastically greeted her sister. "annyeong, hui!"

"what are guys doing in here?" i asked the both of them. what if someone caught them doing this? it would be very embarassing!

"ah...well," hyojong said and massaged his nape.

"nevermind. didn't you guys hear the loud and prolonged beeping of your car?" i told them and they shooked their heads.

"we were too busy kis--," hyuna was about to finish when soojin opened the door and grabbed her wrists.

"we'll go first. go home safely." i saw  soojin's face was flustered before she left.

she must be flustered because she remembered we also kissed --- accidentally earlier.

"wow kim hyojong, wow!" i teased him. i didn't knew that hyojong is kind of ---- how do i say this? wild? uh no!

"we're already near the climax earlier. too bad, you butted in." he sarcastically said and draped his arms over my shoulder.

"you're wild, hyojong!" i nagged.

"so what? did you and soojin kissed already?" he asked.

i froze for a moment and that felt my cheeks are getting red. kiss. kiss. kiss.

"actually, soojin...,"

"soojin what?"

"i had my first kiss with soojin."

we stopped walking and he looked at me, surprisingly.

"y-you're saying that you had your first kiss after 24 years with soojin?"

i nodded.

i'm very glad that soojin is my first kiss.

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