X : that one sl*t

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"hey,why didn't you tell me?" i crossed my arms on hyojongs shoulders.we are sitting on his mini-couch that is edible for 3 persons.

"why should i tell you?"

"we're friends,right?"

"who told you?"

he sarcastically answered and it made me disappoint.i thought we were friends,it was just my thoughts and those aren't real.

"joke," a smile curved in my lips. "of course,i'm your bestfriend,"

"you mean,beastfriend," i looked at him from head to toe.he was naked----on top and he was wearing a sweatpants.i ruffled his hair and it made it look more like a bird's nest.

"well,sorry i just woke up," he crossed his arms and stood up on the sofa.he went to the bathroom and washed his faced.i roamed my eyes on the unit,it was pretty spacious and 3-4 would perfectly fit in here.

the whole wall was tinted with white paint and black outlines.there was a small led tv,this brown couch,and small dining area.there was 5 doors in total,3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.

"hui," hyojong said while still inside the bathroom and maybe doing 'his bussiness'.

"yeah?" i answered.

"can you go with me this afternoon?i'll just buy foods in the market,"

"of course."

i heard the toilet flushed and i'm pretty sure he already finished his bussiness.he remained standing outside the door like a living dead.he glared at me badly and it made me shiver.is he on drugs?coz he looks like a drug user.i was surprised when he smiled sarcastically after that deathly glare.is that how his expressions change?

"what was that for?" i asked when i followed him on his room.his whole room was just plain black---well i'm not surprised at all.he pulled an oversized white tshirt and wore it on.

"nothing,just to scare you on," he said.

i pouted.

"do you mind looking yourself in the mirror with your face like that?" he retarted and crossed his arms again.he combed his chocolate-brown hair upwards which revealed his smooth forehead.

"i look like a duck,right?jieun always says that to me--," jieun came up to my mind. "wait,i have to go upstairs.i'll just take a peek on my sister,"

he didn't say anything and just nodded.i went out of the unit and used the elevator,i'm so done of using stairs.when i reached the 4th floor,i tried to find her room.coz i'm so done of walking,i took my phone out and called her.

"jieun,what room are you in?"

"room 32,oppa," she answered on the other line.

"okay,i'll be going there,"

i dropped the call and found out that her room is just near the elevator.i knocked three times and a unfamiliar girl surprised me.don't tell me i'm in the wrong room?but jieun said '32' loudly and clear.

"uh,i'm ji he ran but you can call me hera," she offered her hand and i gave her a handshake. "are you hui?ji eun's inside,she's cooking our lunch,"

i nodded and entered their unit.just like our unit,it was also pretty spacious,hera offered me to seat on their couch while she'll inform jieun that i'm here already.i heard some humming coming from the bathroom and it made me curious.i was about to stand up when hera spoke.

"hui can you wait a little bit for jieun?she's still busy cooking," she spoke,i nodded.few minutes later,jieun came with a pink apron on.

"oppa,sorry it took me too long.i insisted them that i'll cook our lunch that's why i'm in the kitchen," she said and wiped her sweat on her forehead.she sat beside me and hera excused herself for a moment.

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