XVII : inlove

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a smile was crept on my lips as i walk. this has been a special day to me. very special. the feeling i've felt earlier, was that something that i can't express. it just came naturally. why do i feel like this towards her? it's a new feeling that i've experienced. those unexplainable feelings i'm feeling while i'm with her.

and here i am, still thinking deeply down the night. i just can't believe it. everything feels surreal. the first time i saw her she was still a bit—-bad but now she's a whole new person. and i am glad about that. i closed my eyes and slept. tommorrow's gonna be another day.

days passed as usual and second semester is ending which means graduation is already near. soojin and i got closer than ever. we always  eat lunch together with our friends and i still keep on tutoring her. we celebrated christmas and new year together with our friends and families on our dorm. soojin's mom assisted everything and it was memorable. happiness and laughter filled the place. it's now 2015 and everything started perfectly.

classes just ended and i'm on my way to the library, waitinng for soojin for our tutorial lessons. i waited for like 30 minutes and i thought she won't come by. my throat feels dry so i went to the cafeteria for a moment. while i'm on my way, i saw soojin talking with a guy on a bench. did she forgot that we have a tutoring lessons today? i was green-eyed. instead of going to the cafeteria, i went back to the library and fixed my things.

am i feeling jealous? but why? i shouldn't act like that. we do not have anything special between us. i just like her and i don't know if she feels the same way. i think i should just put my attention on my training. while i'm on my way to the company building, i saw yeeun with her friends.

"yeeun!" i shouted at her.

"hwi!" she did a hi-five with me.

"i heard that you're gonna debut soon. congrats! all of your hardwork will pay off," i told her and patted her shoulder.

" yeah, thank you. ah, these are my members, seunghee, yujin, seungyeon and sorn," she referred to her friends. i'm sure they will be successful and i heard most of them are talented.

i was early for the training and only few are here in the training room. we are now down to 30 trainees and only 10 will remain and will debut later on. some were warming up and stretching because we are scheduled to have a dance training today. i saw hyunggu, yuto and wooseok on a corner, since hyojong isn't still here, i went to them.

"okay, that's all for today. just a reminder everyone, we will have a dance evaluation next week so all of you need to practice well." our trainer said and our training for today was already finished. i sat on one corner and took a rest, closing my eyes and relaxing my mind. this is so soothing.

"hey," someone tapped my back. it's yuto, my co-trainee whom i met months ago. i think he was the only japanese trainee in here but he speaks korean fluently like a native.

"here," he offered me some water. i have met him before i started training here, he was kino's friend. they must've been good friends for a while.

"since it's our free time tommorrow, we're going to a coka," yuto said. i wiped my sweat and took a deep breath.

"coka? what's that?" i asked him.

"you don't know? it's a coin karaoke. wanna go with us?" he asked once again. i've been under lots of stress these days so why not give it a shot?

"text me where we should meet up tomorrow," i stood up and gathered my things. "i'm gonna get going, yuto. go home safely."

the cold wind hugged me as soon as i got out of the building. the street was so dim, so quite and so peaceful. it must be midnight by now. i walked through the bus stop and many thoughts are running in my mind. did soojin forgot our tutoring lessons today? no, that couldn't be the reason. maybe she had some errands that's why she hadn't attended. i sighed deeply and cleared my mind. this was an exhausting day i could say. walking down through the alley alone was somewhat peaceful, the wind brushing off my skin. i saw a familiar figure near our dorm.

"h-hui, i---,"

"it's okay. i guess we should talk about this tomorrow," i cut her off befor she could say,' plus it's already late. it's not nice seeing a girl outside late at night. good night, soojin."

i said and entered the building. am i too cold? did i sound too dull? i sighed again. i need some peace of mind. that's what all i want for now. i'm so tired that i didn't even bothered to change or have a shower. i layed mysef and closed my eyes. tommorow's gonna be another day.

"it may sound sad as the semester is going to end, but i have a good news to all of you. everybody passed the exam!" our room was filled with noises and laughters as our proffesor told those words. i can see soojin laughing and hugging her friends at the back. everyone was hugging their friends and classmates.

"ah, what's this noise all about?" i heard hyojong groaned on my side. he would always sleep on times like this. this boy would always be like this.

"congrats, dud. everybody passed the exam," i said, tapping his shoulders. he was in an awe like he couldn't believe or something.

"r-really? all i did was just sleep, sleep and sleep." he said, still in an awe.

"yeah. well, congrats for passing even though you just slept and slept." i said sarcastically and turned at the back. soojin was smiling at me. wait did she really smiled at me? i-i'm--.

all i can feel is just horses running my chest, butterflies flying in my stomach and just pure happiness. that sweet precious smile that i always adored and treasured. who would've thought that soojin was once a bimbo girl? she was a whole lot different from what i met. those vibes she was radiating throughout the day had made a big impact on me. how do i explain these? i have never fallen inlove before. am i inlove?

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