XV : angel

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"that's all for today, class. make sure that you will submit your presentations tomorrow okay?" the professor said and i started fixing my things. i glanced at hyojong who is lying on his desk. he's really a sleepyhead.

"psst," i patted his back and he looked around. "what?"

"classes are over." he stretched his arms and rubbed his eyes.

everyone came out one by one. hyojong and i went on different ways. he will go to the dorm and change while i will still tutor soojin first. this was already our routine for over a month. means it's already a month since i started training and i started tutoring soojin.

she really changed a lot. she just rarely goes to clubs like once or twice a week. and hyuna said that she was really glad about that. she's not the bimbo soojin anymore, she's becoming seo soojin.

i went to the library and waited for soojin. few minutes later she arrived and smiled shyly. she placed her bag beside her and took out some foods.

i started the tutorial and she was listening attentively. she often asks question which means she really understands what i am saying. i stared at her for a moment. her red hair was already gone, she dyed it again into black which made her look elegant and simple. her small eyes, her sexy mole, her red lips. everything was perfect about her. she carved out of perfection.

"why are you staring at me like that?" she looked at me at the eyes and there were like butterflies in my stomach. horses running fast on my chest.

i shouldn't feel this way.

"n-nothing. just continue so that we can go home early. it's already 5:45pm," she didn't spoke and just nodded. as expected, we finished the tutoring early and i rode with her and hyuna. they dropped me off in the alley and bid goodbye to them.


"what took you so long?" hyojong suddenly asked me when i reached the lobby. yeeun was also here and it seems they waited for me.

"many got late today that's why." i placed my arms on his shoulders and we got out of the building. we arrived at the dorm and i saw a familiar figure.

"hui!!" she called me and waved her hand.

"oh soojin, why are you here?" hyojong asked her.

"my family owns this building and my mom is the one managing here." she said and gazed at yeeun who became silent.

"by the way, where's hyuna?" hyojong asked her again. he must really like her.

"she's already on her dorm."

an awkward silence came in us and i decided to break it.

"soojin, this is yeeun. yeeun this is soojin," soojin smiled while yeeun became quiet and they did a handshake.

"i better get going. it's already getting late," soojin said and excused herself. "let me accompany you."

hyojong went to our dorm and yeeun also went to theirs. the cold win welcomed us when we got out of building, nice thing i have a jacket on. soojin was rubbing her arms since she's wearing a sleeveless top. i gave my jacket on her and smiled at me.

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