XXXIV : this is your penalty

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"i'll try calling my sister," soojin said and looked for her phone, "ah, right. i left my purse at the lobby."

"let's try using my phone. i'm sure i left it here earlier...," i said and started looking for my phone, "where is it?"

"uhm..., hui, i think you should put on some clothes first." soojin said while looking away.

"oh... okay. sorry, give me a minute." i replied and chose a random shirt from my drawer.

i must've been swayed away by the situation. we're both locked up in my room, just me and soojin! tell me, how do i survive being in the same room as her?

"i can't find you phone anywhere. are you sure you left it here?" soojin asked while still looking away.

"yes. " i simply answered.

"if you had left it here, it must be here. we both can't find it, you must've left it outside." she said.

"i think so too." i replied.

"how are we supposed to get out of here? we have no phones and were locked up." she said and sighed.

"don't worry. hyojong might come into my room so let's wait for him." i went to her side and comforted her.


"so how was your stay in the hospital?" she asked me. we're both sitting on the floor and leaning on my bed. it has been almost 3 or 4 hours that we've been waiting.

"i would not dare to stay again in the hospital. the atmosphere in there is just so different." i sarcastically said and she laughed.

"hospital sucks, right?"

"sucks is just an understatement for hospital." i replied and we both laughed.

"any news regarding for your mini-concert?"

"it's cancelled due to yanan's condition but we don't blame him though." i answered. cancelling the mini-concert is really unfortunate but we can't continue after what happened to yanan. who knows that might happen again?

"really? i thought that wasn't true...," she sadly said.

i furrowed my brows. "actually, that day... i came with jieun to visit yanan then you suddenly came out and swayed me away...,"

"i'm sorry for what i did that day. we were all shocked by the news and it hitted hard on me." i explained. that day was a traumatic one.

"it's okay, i understand you. so now, what are the plans of the company for the group?" she asked. i really love how understanding she is, that trait of her that i admire the most.

"the ceo met with us few days ago and there are still no plans for us yet. he just told us to have some rest and will contact us if there are any plans regarding on our debut." i replied with disappointment. who wouldn't be disappointed being in a situation like this?

soojin faced my side and held both of my hands. there's this eletricity-like flowing throughout in my body again.

"don't worry too much, it will just stress you out. maybe now is not yet the right time for the group and that right time will come on the right timing. don't loose hope and faith, hui." she said those assuring words that assured my mind and my heart.

"i hope too, soojin. thank you for being so understanding and comforting me." i leaned closer to her and kissed her forehead.


"are you sure it's in here?" she asked me. we have nothing to do inside here so an idea popped into my head that we will play a game. sounds childish but that would be better than doing nothing. atleast, we can entertain ourselves and each other.

"i am 100% sure." i replied to her. it has been past 10 minutes since we have been looking for that bottle yet we can't still find it.

"is this it?" soojin pulled out an empty bottle of soju under my bed.

"that's it! hand me that, i'll wipe it up first." i said and grabbed some tissue paper.

"it has been ages since i last drank that." she said.

"shall we start?"


i started to spin the bottle and it pointed on her. she let out a sarcastic complain.

"when are you born?" asked by me.

"isn't that too simple? we need some thrilling and cool questions!" she suggested.

"okay, okay. let me think another one." i tried brainstorming any questions that wouldn't make her embarassed or awkward.

"time's ticking, hui. your time is almost up!" she excitedly teased me, "3...,2...,1...,"


"time's up, hui. time is up!" she exclaimed and clapped her hands like a penguin.

"i'm too slow." i said to myself and laughed out.

"come here!!!" i scooted nearer to her and she placed her hands on my forehead. "this is your penalty, lee hwitaek."

then i felt a sharp pain on my forehead that made me say that her strength is not a joke.

"omg, are you okay?" she went closer and her touch made all the pain go away.

"i'm...okay." i said.

"should we continue this game? it must've hurt so much." she said in a worried tone.

"of course, we should entertain ourselves for the next how many hours." i assured her and tapped her shoulders.

she looked very hesitant but i pursued her more to spin the bottle and it pointed on her.

"are you okay?" i asked her but she keeps on looking down. "3...,2...,1..., your time is up! this is your penalty, seo soojin."

i saw her close her eyes as if she's ready to be hit on her head but it suddenly opened when i replaced it with a kiss on her forehead.

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