chapter seventy eight

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Disciplining children

Her body whined with each slight movement, crumbling under the weight of the spell that had only just began to wither

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Her body whined with each slight movement, crumbling under the weight of the spell that had only just began to wither. Avas fingernails dug into the harsh ground as she clawed her way across the graveyard, tears staining each inch of her skin.

The switch in the back of her mind was more prominent than ever, seducing Avas sick thoughts with the longing of feeling nothing. And a part of her wanted to turn it all off, to thrive in the power that came with lack of empathy. Of emotion.

But she had to see her first.
She had to see if Camille O'Connell was really gone.

Niklaus had disappeared minutes before, whispering for Ava to wait whilst he investigated it all. But Ava was petulant and impatient, already forgetting his words as they were lost in her toxic thoughts.

The weight had lessened enough for her to stand, stumbling with what felt like the weight of a city on her shoulders. Her speed was jolted and unkempt but still, she raced forward, slamming in to wall after wall until she got to the right tomb.

Her palms were bloody, and hair knotted from her fight with the incantation. To a stranger it seemed the girl had already gone wild, but to the two very familiar people watching her fall against the threshold of the tomb, she was in agony.

"Ava? You brought Ava back into danger?" Camilles voice rang vicious against the cold air, gaze sharply narrowed on the mikaelson flooded with rage. Ava looked up, eyes suddenly wide with shock and lips parted with a light gasp.

That pain of loss had quickly flitted away and in its wake was a wash of relief. Before one could blink, she had sprinted across and latched herself to her sister, trembling in to the hold.

"She said you were dead. She said she would kill you." Ava hiccoughed, her voice barely a whisper through her shaking frame. She was hysterical, trying to retain the last shred of dignity as she tightened her grasp with each breath.

Cami could feel her bones almost break from her sisters grip, but she daren't ask her to stop. Since Ava had come home, it had been a whirlwind of chaos. And only now, with the heightened emotions and severe risk of death, could Cami see how scared Ava had become.

"It's okay, I'm okay." Cami whispered, cradling her sisters body as if she were an infant.

"She lost the white oak." Klaus blurted out into sweet atmosphere, from jealously or stubbornness one couldn't tell. In an instant, ava had untangled herself away from Camille and span towards the hybrid.

"But she is alive. Surely that matters more." She pointed out with a clipped voice, her crystal eyes more clear than ever. The man sighed an exasperated sigh, feeling his words twist venomously under his tongue.

"Of course your sisters wellbeing is truly a top priority, avangaline. But now we have more pressing matters to attend to, such as my survival!" With long strides, suddenly it was just Ava separating the two at war with a light hand on his chest.

"After all, I am not her biggest fan at this moment." It was as if Ava had shrunk, the two opposing sides shooting daggers between themselves as the small girl helplessly tried to intervene.

"Classic Klaus Mikaelson, looking out for himself and only himself." Cami hollered spitefully, the sickening sounds of childish squabbling smacking the tombs walls like a hammer to clay.

"You very well know I would sacrifice myself in an instant to protect your sister. but you've made that a tad harder, giving away the one weapon that can kill me and all." Klaus seethed, his cold stare not leaving Camilles face for a second as if not to miss an oncoming attack.

"That is enough!" Ava yelled out, slamming her hands against both of their bodies so they would finally listen to her.

"This bickering is becoming ridiculous. Need I remind you both of your age? Cami, what you stole was irresponsible and careless. Even if you wanted what is rightfully yours don't you think talking to me beforehand might've worked." Her eyes were flickering between the lucid blue and vicious red as she glared at her sister, not to antagonise but to keep her emotions ticking. Klaus rose his eyebrows with a smug smile, toying with the fact Ava had seemingly sided with him over her sister.

"And you!" She spun back around, finger pressed against his chest to settle his ego.

"Stealing family heirlooms that are not yours! Who are you Butch Cassidy?" her reference didn't go by unnoticed, the seemingly unfazed hybrid flinching at her remark and tight lipped expression.

"Now I'm going to tell you both what's going to happen. You, Niklaus, will give back what is rightfully hers without as much as a tantrum. And you Camille, will help us in tracking down that damned witch before that stupid piece of wood is used to kill one of our family." The two stood silent as Ava ranted, heads lowered and shoulders slumped at the very serious tone of the youngest there.

"Do you understand?"

for once the two listening knew not to argue above the ringing of finality in Avas tone. And for the first time in what felt like years, even though it had only been a few months of bickering, Cami and Klaus had to set aside their differences to save the vampiric race.



I apologise for such tardiness, my summer has been packed of either really good days or really bad days. On the good days I get too busy to write, on the bad days I can't get out bed. I can only apologise and try to better my schedule but I can't promise anything because of my fluctuating state.

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