Chapter 27 - I've got the Power! Whoo!

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Aella had never seen someone look so shocked, "Sir, are you okay?"

Yet the man didn't look at Aella; his eyes bore down on Stefan, who was starting to become very uncomfortable, "I know you. How can it be?"

Aella had a feeling that the old man wasn't talking about Stefan like he resembled a celebrity, especially when the old man shook his head in disbelief. "You haven't aged a day."

Aella laughed uncomfortably as Stefan struggled to say anything, "I'm sorry, but I think you have the wrong person. This is Stefan."

"Yes," The old man nodded and finally turned his attention back to Aella. Stefan quickly made his way back to the car washing; he knew Aella could deal with this; she had a lifetime of covering up her abilities. "His name was Stefan too. He was just passing through to visit his uncle when I first moved here. I stayed at the Salvatore boarding house and met him. That's him."

"No, Sir," Aella sadly shook her head, she hated the fact that she had to lie to this lovely old man. "Stefan is only 17, but he was named after his Great Uncle Stefan because he resembled him so much. They are two different people."

When the confusion spread across his face, Aella felt like the worst person on Earth, but it had to be done. "He is? Oh, tell that young man, I'm sorry for scaring him."

"That's okay, Sir."

"Terrible what happened to his Great Uncle, just terrible," the man muttered.

"Terrible?" Aella couldn't help but wonder.

"Mm-mmm," he nodded, pocketing his change. "Joseph... 1953 if I recall. An animal attack, just terrible."

Aella slowly nodded; she knew that it was probably no animal attack, more like Damon attack, "I'm sure it was, Sir."

"-Grandpa, you gotta go. Mom wants you home. Okay?" Tiki came over and spoke to the old man; only then did Aella realize a queue was building up. The old man nodded and walked away.

"He wasn't bugging you, was he?" Tiki asked as she took some money from the next person in line. She looked over at Aella, who was watching Tiki's grandfather walk away. "He's a little alzy-heimer."

"No," Aella laughed awkwardly, her lying only adding to his confusion. "He was lovely. You're lucky to have such a wonderful grandfather."

Tiki smiled tightly at the brunette; then, she realized that she may not have Stefan or friends as Aella did. However, she did have her family who were alive and only a phone call away.

"Look, do you mind holding the fort for a few minutes?" Aella asked, oblivious to Tiki's guilt at her earlier thoughts, as the cheerleader nodded quickly and told her to go ahead.

Aella smiled in thanks and ran in the direction Stefan had gone. Stefan was using one of the tall SUVs as cover while he washed the car. Yet, Aella could see his mind was focused on something else as he watched Tiki's grandfather walk away. "Hey, are you okay?"

Stefan nodded; he had heard and felt Aella approaching. He looked over at his girlfriend, "Now you see the negative side of it all."

"I know," Aella smiled gently. She slid into his arms, and he did nothing to stop her as he let the cloth drop on the car bonnet and held her close to him. "I've not felt that bad in a long time, he was so sure, and I made him feel like he was crazy."

"I'm sorry," he pecked the top of her head and held her close.

Aella shrugged, smiling into his chest, "If that happens only a few times compared to all the positives we'll have together, it'll be worth it."

An Elemental Difference - AIR - Book 1 (Stefan Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now