Chapter 59 - I'm a constant freakin' delight!

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"Hey! It's Aella. So, haha funny story, my phone and I are playing hide and's winning. I'll call you back as soon as I find it! Hey, before you leave that message, do you want to know something about me? I love jokes. You want to know something I hate? I hate long messages, so why don't you leave a short one and I'll get back to you. If you leave a long one, don't count on it."

Stefan rolled his eyes as he listened to Aella's annoying voicemail; it usually wasn't so bad, but now as this was his third time calling her, it was really annoying him. He'd be worried if Caroline hadn't confirmed Aella had just texted her, so instead of leaving a voicemail he knew she would never listen to, he hung up and sighed in frustration.

"We seriously need her to get a new voicemail," Elena smirked as she read the papers in front of her.

Stefan smiled lightly, and Elena could see he was beginning to worry, "Hey, she's okay. She's probably just busy tracking down Bonnie that she can't answer. We both know she can protect herself.

Stefan nodded and took his place next to Elena at the counter, but as he nodded, he felt something inside, telling him to run and protect his girlfriend. Just as he was about to stand up and go look for Bonnie and now Aella, Elena pointed to the papers in front of them:

"Here's a reference that he wrote about Emily," she pointed to a particular section. She started reading aloud, "The Fell family believed it should be I, not them, who protected the witch's spellbook. But I feared she would haunt me from the hereafter. They mocked my fear, but it was Giuseppe Salvatore who-" She paused and looked up at Stefan, "Is that your father?"

Stefan looked down at the paper and nodded, "Yeah." He took the documents from Elena and continued to read it himself, "-It was Giuseppe Salvatore who removed my fear. He told me he would protect the secret of the spellbook. He said he would carry it to his grave."

Elena looked to him, "Do you have any idea?"

Stefan's mind went back to the year, he had hoped to forget, but for once, his memories were helping him for the good. Stefan remembered that his father once told him that he would take all the real secrets to his grave, and now Stefan realized it was Emily's Grimoire.

If Jonathan Gilbert had given it to Guiseppe to protect, then Stefan knew precisely where his father had hidden away the Grimoire. A place Guiseppe knew that none of his descendants would visit because he had killed his only children when he had discovered their betrayal. Guiseppe really had taken his secrets to his grave.

Stefan turned to Elena, "I know where it is."

Emily's Bennett's Grimoire was buried with his father, Guiseppe Salvatore, and had been there for 145 years.


Aella continued banging on whatever she could get her feet in front of, smirking as Ben tore open the door again and snarled at her to stop pounding and being difficult. What did he think she was going to continue being kidnapped without fighting?

The only annoying part was the repetition of the word 'difficult.' Now that annoyed her.

"That's it!" Ben declared and ripped off the duct tape, ignoring Aella's cries of pain. "How can one 17-year-old be so difficult?!"

Aella heard the sound of water and hoped he would give her some to drench her parched throat. Ignoring her pain, she decided to continue to make Ben regret kidnapping her, "I don't know where all the crap about me being a 'difficult person' is coming from. I'm a constant freakin' delight!"

An Elemental Difference - AIR - Book 1 (Stefan Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now