Chapter 64 - I want my mom

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"Jenna, I'm fine." Aella smiled lightly as Jenna tucked the blanket around her tight, before fluffing the pillows behind her.

"I'm not listening," Jenna sang. Reaching for the camomile tea and giving it to Aella. "You were sobbing, not breathing, and you fainted. That is not fine Aella Grace, those three statements have never been you, and better not be you ever again!"

Elena bit her lip as she looked to Aella on the couch, Stefan had stuck to his girlfriend like glue, until he suddenly just left. It was Jeremy who had told her and Jenna that he and Stefan actually thought Aella was dead for a moment. Elena could see why Stefan needed time away, seeing some you loved die was an image that never left your mind.

Once Jenna had finished tucking in Aella, again, Elena moved forward, "What happened, A?"

Aella took a sip of her tea, then stared down at the liquid as Jenna took a seat on the arm of the chair Elena sat in.

For a moment, Elena thought Aella hadn't heard her until the brunette suddenly spoke, her voice small, "I don't know. But I hope it never happens again."

Jenna looked to her cell, "Maybe we should call your uncle?"

Aella snorted tearfully, yet her eyes never left her tea, "And say what Jenna? Hey Uncle Nate, so today, when I touched a dead body with vampire bites I not only saw his death but also felt every emotion the vampire felt after being locked away for 164 years and starved until he realized the only way he would survive was to murder the kind man that wanted to help him."

Her eyes met Jenna's, as tears fell down both their faces, "We can't do that."

"What about Grams?" Elena softly asked.

Aella shook her head at that too, "This isn't a Bennett Witch issue; it's a Samphire." Aella took a large gulp of her tea before setting it roughly on the table, "And because some jackass decided to get drunk and drive in the middle of the night and kill my parents, I can't ask them either!"

Jenna's eyes met Elena's in surprise, Aella never talked about her parent's deaths, especially exhibit emotions either.

Running a hand roughly through her hair, Aella scowled at nothing, "I just times like this..." Her voice cracked as she trailed off. Her voice was tearful as she took a deep breath to speak again, "I just wish my mom was here, to kiss away the pain."

Her mind went back to a moment that kisses to stop the pain became a thing between her and her mom, the day she fell off her bike when she was nine. Her mom had placed her on her lap and wiped away her tears as she held a clean tissue to the scrape on her knee, her words healing and loving.

"I love that you have my eyes and my coffee addiction, my taste in music and movies. But what I love most about you, Aella Grace Bennett, is your strength. This-" Natasha removed the soiled tissue from her daughter's bloodied knee, "is nothing you can't handle."

Aella winced as looked down at the scrape, "But it hurts. Like that time, daddy hit his thumb with the hammer," her green eyes widened. "But I didn't curse like he did, I swear."

Natasha's bell-like laugh echoed in the kitchen as she stood up with her daughter and set her down on the counter with a kiss to the head, "That was a $5 one, right?"

"Yup!" Aella exclaimed, swinging her legs in the air as her mom brought over the first aid kid. "I finally got enough to buy my nerf gun!"

"Don't I know that," Natasha smirked, the memory of Aella and Calvin having world war three in her living room when she was away for work for two days. She actually wondered if she's stayed away any longer her garden would have had trenches. She held up two different bandaids, "Batman or Spider-Man?"

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