The Squip Pt. 1

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My name is Richard Goranski. My friends call me 'Dick'

How do you even get that nickname from 'Richard'? I've stopped wondering at this point.

How do I consider people who call me that humiliating nickname 'friends'? I guess I'm just desperate.

It's not like I wanted any of this.

What's the point of this hellhole I call life??

"Hey loser, writing in your diary?" I see a hand slam down on the table, making me jolt up. The male laughs in a mocking tone, making me hold the book close to my chest out of instinct.

"N-No! It's a journal!" I retort, my lisp prominent as ever. This just makes the sophomore laugh harder. He grabs the book out of my arms, flipping through the pages. "H-hey!! Give that back!!" I plead, he holds the book above his head. He's got to be at least 6"2'.

Despite being in a library, no one bats an eye at how loud he's being.

"What's wrong Dick? Don't want me reading your diary?" He asks I feel tears threatening to fall. "Aw poor baby is gonna cry?" "I-I'm not a baby!! Shut up!!" I yell with a sudden boost of confidence. "Oh it'll be fun punching your face in" my superior growls, making my eyes widen.

"Hey leave him alone!"

We both turn around, seeing a boy who was just as tall as the bully walk over to us. "Dustin leave him alone. Give him back his book." The sophomore, apparently named 'Dustin' drops the book onto my desk and shakes his head, walking off mumbling something to himself.

"T-thank you...!" I say, trying to contemplate what just happened. Someone actually stood up for me? I look up at the male and he smiles down at me. "I'm sorry 'bout him. He's a dick. Are you a freshman too?"

I can't believe this is happening.
Someone treating me as an equal? Not like garbage?? This doesn't even happen at home...

"Y-yeah! I am! I-I'm Richard! Goranski!" I say, trying to hide my lisp as best as I can. The male nods, sticking out his hand, which I shake. "I'm Jake. Jake Dillinger." I smile brightly at him, which he gladly returns. "I'll see you around, Goranski"

I stare as he walks out of the library. I glance back down at my journal, flipping to the page I was writing on about ten minutes ago.

It's the first day of high school, and someone actually stood up for me.

Maybe high school won't be as bad as I think.

Here's hoping.

School went pretty smoothly from September up until December. Uneventful for the most part. Which is always good.

A few run-ins with bullies, but most of the time I just hang out with two guys named Michael and Jeremy. They like sitting on the third floor and talking about video games.

The only downfall of hanging out with these two is that they only ever call me 'Dick' like everyone else.

I'm too terrified to correct them. Even if I know they'd never punch me for trying.

The first time anyone ever called me 'Dick' was seventh grade. My dad brought up the horrid nickname on a field trip and everyone started calling me that from then on. I remember asking one of the boys who called me it to stop and "maybe call me Rich instead?" And getting punched.

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