part 8

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When class was over Sangwoo was the first one to leave the class room. He went to his locker ridding himself of all his books and binders from his backpack and pulling out the ones he needed for the next three classes.

He looked around the halls knowing there were a ten minute break before the next class. He went to the nearest exit that was close to the principals office and he snuck outside keeping his head low so not one could see him through window as he reached for the door. He opened the door looking up and seeing the new kid.

Sangwoo tilted his head seeing him setting on the steps that lead to a open grassy area that was in front of the football field about 30 yards away. The body's shoulders were visibly shaking and he could he light sobs.

Sangwoo stood there a moment just staring at the sight in front of him. He scratched his head then dug into his pocket pulling out a pack of cigarettes getting two out then putting the pack back in his pocket. He walked over to the boy and sat next to him.

Sangwoo chuckles as it startled him. He pulled out his lighter lighting the cigarette then took a drag. He blows the smoke out slowly then looked over at the male smiling with his eyes closed and leaned close to him popping the cigarette into his mouth. "Take a drag it'll help with all the fucking bullshit..." Sangwoo spoke English for the male and lit the other cigarette.

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