Part 42

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The sudden harsh shakes woke Dinis from the loop threatening his life. He looked around confused but something seemed different. Dinis seemed to not remember what had happened. He looked up at Sangwoo noticing how distressed the male was. "Sangwoo? Ho... How did I get here?" He asked looking at the kitchen, "Weren't we at the living room area?" He wondered before having a small glimpse of rushing down the stair to the door but since it was locked he went to search for a kitchen knife... A knife... "I... I had a knife... Didn't I?" He asked as it was coming back to him, every single thing.

Shaken and also returning a tension breaking point, Dinis gently pushed Sangwoo off of him looking down, "I'm sorry... You had to see that..." He apologized feeling out of space. "I... I will go home... It's better before I lose you too." He knew he was being dramatic. But he couldn't live with the thought of actually inflicting pain to Sangwoo just because his eyes were lying about who was standing in front of him.


Sangwoo looked at dinis as he seems to be completely confused and scared of him self as he rambles about remembering "yeah... you fucking yelled at me staying you'd stop me... I think you was having a night terror about that Henry dude? Don't know how to say his name and I don't give one solitary fuck about that." Sangwoo huffed a little when dinis pushed him away worrying about something silly "no. You are staying here. You have to do more than stab me to hurt me. But I really want to know how did you end up with some asshat like him he is clearly giving you night terrors... I don't get this whole promised shit but I'll kill the fucker before he forces you to marry you." Sangwoo said coldly

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