Part 36

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Henrique was ready to kick Sangwoo off of him when he felt the cold blade rubbing on his neck till it started to bleed a little. It didn't scare him, but he was certain he wouldn't let this psycho be any where close to Dinis.

Once he was helped up he made sure to look shocked and even shaken.

They entered in the house when the chubby boy was inches away from the doorway with a pale and trembling expression. The sight of blood made him even more unease, forcing his whole being to push Sangwoo off Henrique as he felt his tears almost falling off his cheeks. "Henrique! Estás bem? Desculpa! Peço imensa desculpa! (Henrique! Are you okay? Sorry? I'm so so sorry!)" He said trembling while guiding Henrique to his bathroom before turning around looking into Sangwoo's eyes showing how disappointed and scared of the male he was, "I'm sorry! Please I need you to leave Sangwoo... I... I promise to call you..." He hesitated but he was promising to do so. And Dinis never failed promises.

Two days passed and Dinis finally had the guts to not only talk to Sangwoo but to knock on his door.

;-; ~~~~~ ;-; ~~~~~~ ;-;

Sangwoo scoffed as dinis pushed him away the other as if he was some monster. His face was full of surprise then a sudden death stare at the other and softened when dinis looked back at him showing his emotions through his looks. Sangwoo felt ashamed and he looked down at the ground walking all the way home in the pouring rain.

Sangwoo got home and laid about on his couch bored looking up at the ceiling clinging to his phone waiting for that call that dinis had promised.

Two days passed by still no call he didn't even move from the couch for those two days just laying the waiting. He jumped out of the daze he was in when he heard a knock at his door. Sangwoo looked over at the door 'what the fuck?' Sangwoo lazily got up and walked over to the door.

He opened it and saw that it was dinis he wanted to smile and cling to him but something about the way he was looking he just couldn't ".....dinis......." that's the only thing he could say to him.

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