part 15

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The next day came quicker than Dinis was expecting. Still mentally sore from the whole situation from the previous day, he strongly felt like skipping today's classes as well. But he didn't want to face his sisters rage to his misbehaving attitude. So he took a quick shower, ate breakfast, washed his teeth, styled his hair and got dressed up with a black slightly tight shirt and jeans overalls. As soon as he was ready, he went to the bus station setting himself to school.

Once he got there he noticed that something had occurred. Everyone had sad expressions and would talk to each others with some melancholy in their voices. He didn't understand what had happened but like anything else he wouldn't even nose around what didn't matter to him.

After taking what he needed from his locker, he started walking to his classroom door. His colleagues were all dressed in black, a sign of respect to the loss of a close family member or loved one. Not wanting to intrude, Dinis was standing inches away from his class trying to respect their privacy. Not even noticing that a group of girls was already glaring at him trying to dig deep into his soul to find any trace of guilt.

When the teacher came and opened the door, everyone took their seat. But there was a vacant seat that seemed to unbalance the whole class. He looked closely and spotted that was the person who had kissed him. He blushes softly trying to erase that moment from his mind.

Before the class could start the teacher decided to give a minute of update from the whole situation, "상우에게 무슨 일이 있었는지 알지? 나는 모두에게 친절하기를 요청하고 그를 위로하려고 노력한다. 그는 이틀 후에 돌아올 수 있으므로 너무 많이 달라 붙지 마십시오." (You know what happened to Sangwoo, right? I ask you all to be friendly to him and try to comfort him. He might return in two days, so don't cling too much to him.)

That was when Dinis noticed why everyone was so saddened. Something had happened to the blonde and raven undercut male. Behind him he could hear two girls whispering that his parents had been murdered. 'Oh no!' He thought looking down to his own hands. He knew what that felt like to lose someone so precious due to someone's rage.

Looking back, Dinis felt that maybe he would give his condolences to the boy and perhaps tell him that he had someone he could talk to since Dinis was also an orphan due to murder.

With his own mind set, he even decided to take double notes from all and each class so Sangwoo could follow what has been taught while his absent.

What Could Go Wrong?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz