Part 59

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Mariana had received some messages from Dinis about the rings. She would give her own opinion about it until she heard the door bell ring. She walked towards the door and opened the door with a beaming smile. "Good-!" She was cut off by the sudden pull. "Ugh! Sangwoo? What are you doing here?" He gasped as she placed her hands on his wrist before twisting softly just enough for the male to let her go and she could move away from him. "Are you out of your mind? Dinis asked me to not tell you but he is Seoul's down town!" She snarled rubbing her neck as the phone on the couch buzzed revealing another rings.

"What are you thinking? Have you lost your mind?" She growled before pointing to her door, "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE! DON'T YOU THINK YOU WILL GET AWAY WITH THIS!"

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Sangwoo let go of her sighed annoyed hearing was she had to say then heard her phone go off.  He looked in the direction of the phone and rushed over to the phone ignore her out burst reading the texts. What he read shook him to the core and he dropped the phone and looked over at her "You and you smart cunt mouth..." Sangwoo whispered coldly. "I'm leaving. And..." Sangwoo said stepping so close to the girl to the point of her pushing herself into the wall "you tell dinis I was here and what I did or said, I will kill you." Sangwoo growled lowly "you understand me, bitch?" Sangwoo looking at her disgusted.

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Mariana didn't show any sign of fear or despair, she looked at him with the same disgusted look and hidden wish to slap the shit out of him. "If I find a single hair of my brother off his head I will make sure to kill you." She replied as a sort of agreement but with that only condition. Once the other left, she took a deep breath to calm her senses, "Oh Dinis... Where did you get yourself into..." She thought before hitting the wall.

Meanwhile, Dinis was still crying his eyes out. He could feel his whole body freezing due to the lack of heat from Sangwoo from the shirts he was searching for comfort. He wanted the male to return home quickly. He wanted to apologize. He wanted to kiss him and tell him the whole truth behind his innocent actions. He just wanted Sangwoo. "Sangwoo... Ugh... Come back... Please..." He cried out feeling impotent to do anything. "... Sangwoo... Sangwoo... Why... Ugh... Sangwoo..." He kept crying while wrapping his arms around the shirt he had elected to be his charm.

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After a long while Sangwoo had gotten back hope and shut the door quietly. He looked at the house that was a messed from his blinded rage. Sangwoo leaned against the closed front door and slumped down huffing out tears. 'What the fuck does dinis even see in me? I almost killed his sister... why would he go out and not tell me?! Over a goddamn ring?' Sangwoo cradled himself tightly wailing into his knees which was loud enough to echo through the house. Sangwoo didn't want to move he just didn't understand dinis anymore. It was like he didn't even know him... anymore... like he was different...

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Dinis was shivering and wailing onto Sangwoo's shirt when suddenly he is startled by the strange sounds coming from downstairs. He slid off the futon and walked towards the stairs while hugging one of Sangwoo's dirty shirts. He silently went down the stairs and followed the noise till he saw his boyfriend cradling against the guest room door.

His eyes widened while staring at the male, "... San...gwoo..." He whimpered painfully before letting the dirty shirt slide down from his arms. His pounding heart couldn't take it, it started overflowing his eyes again. He walked closer and closer to his beloved one before kneeling in front of his knees, "I'm sorry... Sangwoo... Forgive me." He pleaded still crying, "Don't leave me... Please... I love you so much! I can't live without you!" He leaned his head on Sangwoo's knees while his swollen eyes gently brushed onto them. "You are right... I... Should have sucked up... I... I... I'm a lousy boyfriend... My insecurities made yours speak louder and I... I... I ignored them thinking that everything would eventually be good." He whispered before slowly looking up into Sangwoo's also red watery eyes, "I want to be more than a crush... I want to connect with you... I want to do more with you than we already do... But... I'm insecure. I fear that one day a simple kiss may lead to... To... Making love and I don't know how to react. What if I do wrong and then you realize you don't want me anymore? What if I break you... What if... I hate when my securities speak louder!" He whimpered covering his eyes with his hands, "Perhaps I'm too innocent or even naive... But your kisses, your stare, your whispers, those kisses on my neck, even your smile and our moments together where we laugh like two goofy heads... They make me want to do what couples do in their bed and feel fulfilled... But... I'm scared that we aren't compatible and then... Those... Those moments... You won't want to build any of those with me and end up with someone else." He cried and cried, feeling he had exposed himself to Sangwoo and that perhaps things would go sour. He was desperate... Not knowing what he should do to show that Sangwoo was his most precious thing in the world, "When you stormed out of the bathroom I realized that... My insecurities and yours were coming between us... I... I thought that maybe with a confirmation like a ring would make us grow closer and no fear would tear us apart. I wanted to surprise you. To make you smile and even have the chance to make you blush." He said with a dim smile, "Bu... But I should have stayed... I should have embraced you and tell you that... No matter what... We will be always together." He wrapped his arms around Sangwoo's neck pulling him into a tight hug. "I'm sorry!" He whispered ignoring the slight sparkle coming from the reflection of the lights on the rings Dinis had bought.

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