Part 37

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Dinis eyes were red and swollen due to what seemed two days of crying, his neck was faintly bitten as his wrists marked by faint bruises of two large hands who seemed to force him still. The clothes were slightly disorganized as if someone had tried to strip him one more time.

"I'm so sorry..." He said with a soft smile as took a step forward, "Can I stay here with you?" He asked looking up into Sangwoo's eyes, revealing how tired he was.

As Sangwoo allowed him to come inside, Dinis sat on the still warm couch before looking down at his feet feeling ashamed.

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At a closer look at dinis sangwoo seen the marks on his body and his clothes a mess. Sangwoo clenched his jaws closing his eyes sighing a hard growl trying to keep calm as his entire body tingled with anger and he even shook trying to hold it in.

As dinis apologized to him stepping towards him made Sangwoo flinch. When looked at him with a smile a pang of heartache hit sangwoo like a brick. Sangwoo could see his remorse in his eyes. Sangwoo was speechless and nodded.

Sangwoo watched dinis walk in and he shut the door and locked every lock he had on his door even turned on the code box. There was no way in hell he was letting that man near him again if the guy even had the fucking balls to find dinis here with him.... that man was going to be dead before he could get through the door.

Sangwoo slowly made his way to dinis and looked at him a moment then walked off to the kitchen then brought back three gel ice packs. "Here....." Sangwoo said shakingly as he laid one on each of Diniss wrists and one on his neck. "I knew this would happen.... that man is a sick asshole he just wanted to get into your pants just for the fact that he is promised to you" Sangwoo said not looking at Dinis "I can't believe you couldn't even see that and then shunning me away as if I was the bad guy..." Sangwoo clicked his tongue slowly looking over at dinis. "I'm not mad at you. I wish you didn't have to go through that..." Sangwoo said petting at his cheek softly kneeling down to his knees and leaned over kissing his nose. "I want to take your pain away..." Sangwoo said quietly.

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