part 13

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"Well... Why can't we be like the other gypsies?" He wondered before hearing his friend falling off his own bed laughing hard.

"Because we are traditional. Before birth we are promised. That is a rule between Portugal and Spain from centuries ago." He giggled before hearing his mom calling him. "Well Cinnamon! I have to go! Kisses! Not that you had enough -!"

Dinis hanged up the call sighing. This lunatic was his best friend but sometimes was a little... Pain? But a lovable pain.

He threw his phone on his night stand and looked to the ceiling thinking and wondering about the whole experience he somehow forced to gain that day. As he slowly allowed himself to drift into his dreams he lastly thinks about Sangwoo's intense stare to him almost like he wanted to reveal a hidden dark secret. "Why... Would you look at me like that?"

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