Chapter 1 - The best birthday ever

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It was the 27th of September, my birthday. I've been hanging out with some of my friends earlier that day but in the evening I was just on Twitter. 

Some people already wished me a happy birthday and a real good friend on Twitter had a crazy idea: Why not tweet Jai Brooks to wish me a happy birthday? 

She asked a lot of people to help her but I didn't really believe that Jai could see all these tweets. -Well, if I would have known what's going to happen.-

When I was just about to go offline I saw that Jai really tweeted me. I couldn't believe my luck and I was so shaky while I read the words "People keep tweeting me to wish you a happy birthday, here we go: Happy Birthday! :) How old did you become? x"

This was unbelievable. I love the Janoskians so much and then Jai wished me a happy birthday. -And a while later everything got even better- 

I typed the words "Aw :) Thank you so much! I'm 16 now & your tweet was definitely one of the two best presents I got!"  I was still so shaky and wondered how I managed to tweet Jai back. 

A few moments later I saw a new tweet on Jai's profile. It was to me, again. I smiled and read it. "Sweet 16 :) how nice! What was the other 'best present'? <3"

"I've always wanted to go to Australia and now my parents organized an exchange year in Melbourne for me :) x" I told him and wondered why he was still replying me and not other fans. I mean, it was not like I didn't like it but it was a bit unfair for the other fans, I guessed. 

"Where are you from? & When will you come to Melbourne? <3" These are the words I read when I saw the new tweet from Jai.

"I'm from the UK..and I'm pretty sick of it. Next week! :) I'm sooooo excited! X" I tweeted him but after a while there was still no reply. It was nice but I knew he couldn't tweet me forever.  It was nice and I appreaciated it. I thought to myself and tried to calm down, I was still so happy that Jai tweeted me but then he seemed to be offline. Never mind.

But a few minutes after that I saw a new tweet from Jai. "Sorry, mum went in. She told me we're having an exchange student from the UK living at ours for 1 year from next week on. SICK, THAT'S YOU!" 

Oh god, my heart stopped beating as I read these words. This couldn't be true. "OH MY GOD! ARE YOU SERIOS? This is such a coincidence, this can't be a coincidence anymore!"

"I'm not kidding you at all! :) I already told mom I'll pick you up from the airport :) x"

I smiled in disbelieve and tweeted him back "I'm so excited!! :) Promise me to show me Melbourne, okay? x"

"And whenever you're homesick I'll be there for you. :)" 

Aw, Jai was already so cute to me and I didn't even arrive. "Aw :) My soon-exchange-year-brother is so lovely! <3"

"So are you, sister :) I'll go to bed now, see you. lots of love <3 x" 

Wow, I still couldn't believe my luck, I would live with Jai for ONE YEAR. All of sudden I saw that his brother Luke joined our conversation "Hey! I'm lovely, too. You'll notice I'm even more lovely than Jai. ;) & good night Jai!"

Oh, Luke, I thought to myself as I laughed in frontof the computer. Even though some jealous fans already sent me hate. I didn't mind that. 

"Good night Jai & sweet dreams! X Hahaha, we'll see Luke. :) I'll go to bed now, bye. X" That was my last tweet for that day. 

Wow, that was definitely the best birthday ever. 

(A/N) I hope you like it :) 

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