Chapter 19 - I can't resist you

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I made my way to Luke's room and I knocked on the door. "Holly? Come in" Luke whispered and I slowly opened the door.

Luke's light was still on so he saw the tears in my eyes. I hated fighting or yelling at Jai. It broke my heart but him not understanding and listening to my worries about Luke broke my heart as well. 

Luke hugged me tight and burried his head in my shoulder. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" He whispered in my neck, it got me goosebumps all over my body. I noticed Luke's hands were stroking my back. It felt so good. "Jai and I.. we had a fight. I told him that I was worrying about you because you always look so sad when Jai and me are together. I hate that. You're my friend and I love you as my friend. I don't want you to be hurt. But Jai seems like he doesn't give a fuck. And that hurts me too, I mean you're brothers.."

"Shh, it's okay." Luke whispered. We were still hugging each other. And I didn't want to let go. The last few days Luke's or Ryan's arms were the only place where I felt safe. And now I felt safe again. Luke made me feel better, just by being there for me. Suddenly I heard the door being opened, Luke didn't seem to hear. Luke was standing with his back to the door and I could see the door. Jai was looking after us. I made my face look mad and he understood that he should piss off and so he did. He closed the door again and walked away.

"Better now?" Luke whispered. I shook my head. "Dont let me go."

"I would never do that." Luke whispered and raised his head up for a second to kiss my cheek before he burried it in my shoulder again. I started to hug him a bit tighter. 

After about 15 minutes more of just standing there in silence hugging each other, Luke whispered "Can we sit down or something, my feet start to hurt." We both giggled and I nodded. I quickly went into his bed and cuddled up in the blanket. Luke switched off the light and came to bed with me. I let him under the blanket. He kissed my head and said "Tomorrow everything will be better." This night I even let him wrap his arms around me, firstly because I needed someone to hold me, secondly because I was really cold and thirdly..because it felt good.

"Are you asleep, Holly?" I heard him whispering after about half an hour. 


"Mh, tell me something."

I giggled, "It's 1 AM, silly."

"I know but I can't sleep, can you?"



"Convinced, okay. You know what makes me smile when I'm home?"

"Tell me."

"Seeing Emily with Ryan. Ryan is like a dad to her but Emily still thinks that they're going to marry one day. She's so cute, and that's one of the reason while Ryan is my best..and actually only friend here, because he makes my sister and me happy."

"I noticed." Luke smiled. 

"Now you tell me something!"

"Okay, uhmm, you know what made me happy?"

"Tell me."

"That I had the chance to spend so much time with you in the last days. Thank you."

"No problem." 

We smiled at each other and I didn't know what was happening but Luke placed his hand on my cheek, his head came closer to mine and he leaned in, it was like someone else took control of my body again, I leaned in too and kissed him. This time it felt better than the other times when we kissed in Melbourne before the thing with me and Jai started. I thought of Jai..but this time I didn't feel sorry. I just enjoyed Luke's soft lips gently kissing mine.

He pulled back and said "I'm sorry. I just can't resist you." he was about to stand up and go somewhere else but I held his wrist.

"Stay here. I- I liked it." 

Luke crawled back under the blanket to me and he kissed me again. His tongue brushed against my teeth, begging for entrance. I let him in. Yeah, I couldn't resist him neither today. Maybe I was just too tired to fight against it, maybe it was right, maybe not. I didn't care about all this now. I just enjoyed everything that was happening in that moment.

Luke's hands slowly traveled up from my legs to where my shirt began. He pulled it over my head and so did I to his. He was wearing a shirt here because he wasn't at home. I actually liked seeing him shirtless. 

He quickly got up again and locked the door. He came under the blanket again and continued kissing me. He massaged my breasts and I moaned against his lips. He kissed my neck and I let out a little moan again. He pulled down my pants and I kicked them away. He took off my panties and I took off his boxers. He rolled on top of me and kissed my lips again. "Ready?" he whispered and I nodded. I felt something entering my vagina and I moaned a bit again. Luke was really gentle like in the night when we almost had sex. This time we had sex. He moved back and forth, at first slow then faster. 

After about 20 minutes Luke rolled next to me. I didn't know what to say so I waited for him to say something. He kissed me one more time before he whispered "That was amazing and I waited for it.... I waited so long." I smiled nad stroked his cheek. "Good night, sweetheart." I whispered and kissed his cheek. I turned around and he wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my cheek and whispered "Good night, beautiful"

uhhhhh, will Jai find out? How will he react? Will Luke and Holly feel sorry the next day?

You don't know right? But I do. :P Hope you liked it xx

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