Chapter 26 - A car accident

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When I woke up and took a look at the clock I realized that Jai and I slept the whole afternoon and the whole night. It was 5 AM. As I got up I noticed it wasn't the best idea to sleep on the floor. My back hurt so badly. I grabbed the blanket Jai was wrapped in and went to bed.

When I was finally about to fall back to sleep I needed to pee. Ugh. I stood up again and pulled Jai's shirt over. I went to the bathroom and decided not to turn on the light. It would have woke me up even more. When I was done in the bathroom I was on my way back to my room.

The phone started ringing and scared me to death. I ran downstairs and picked it up. I was awake then. A big fuck you to whoever had called us.

"Brooks, hello." I was so used to picking up the phone and pretending I would be Brooks' sister. I kinda was a part of the family anyways. And Jai always joked that he would make me Mrs. Brooks one day. 

"Hello, Mrs. Gina Brooks?"

"No, she's asleep sorry. I'm her daughter. What can I do for you?"

"Your brother, Luke, is in hospital." What? Luke? My Luke? Lukey? No, I couldn't believe it. I ran upstairs and forgot the phone. I went into Luke's room to see it was empty. I ran through the whole house but Luke was nowhere to be found. I rememberd the woman on the phone. I ran back and cried into the phone. "Can I please have the adress?"

She tried to calm me down a bit and gave me the adress. Then I ran upstairs again. With tears in my eyes I opened the door to my room. "JAI!" I cried. When the woman told me about Luke being in a hospital it felt like someone was ramming a knife in my heart.

"Baby, calm down and come to bed. What's wrong?" Jai mumbled and got up. He was still laying on the floor. He grabbed a shirt and I continued crying like there was no end. "Luke.." I could hardly speak.

"What's wrong with Luke?"

I cried even harder as I said "He's in hospital."

"Okay, I'll wake mom up and you get ready!" Jai said quickly and ran out of the room. I grabbed a pair of jeans and got into them. I left Jai's shirt on. When I came downstairs Gina and Jai were getting ready. Beau wasn't at home and none of us thought of calling him, we wanted to know what was wrong with Luke. Gina had tears in her eyes as well. But I was crying like, I don't even know. Gina gave me a quick hug before we drove to the hospital.

The lady from the reception didn't undertsand our hectic. We asked for Luke Brooks' room and she gave us the direction. I was still crying. I didn't even notice the tears anymore. In front of Luke's room a doctor seemed to wait for us.

"Gina Brooks?" he asked and Gina nodded. Jai held me tight, I guess he was afraid that I would pass out or just fall on the ground. I'm glad he did that because I couldn't do anything. I was happy I could even breathe.

"Your son, Luke Brooks, had a car accident." I turned around and Jai hugged me. I cried into his shoulder and wanted to fall on my knees but Jai held me. He pulled me over to some seats and we sat down. "Everything's gonna be alright." Jai whispered and I felt a small tear falling from his face down on mine.

"How is he now?"

"He broke his right arm and right leg. He must have had more than one guardian angel. The witness who called the ambulance said that another car crashed into your son's car from the right side. We don't know who the driver of the other car was. He ran away after his car had to much damage to be driven. It wasn't Luke's fault, he drove safely and correctly, it was the fault of the other driver."

"Can we talk to him?" Jai asked and we all hoped for the same answer.

The doctor nodded and said "Yeah, he's awake, as I said, he must have had more than one guardian angel."

We all thanked him and went into Luke's room. I could see it in Luke's face how shocked he was when he saw me. I must have looked terrible. But I finally stopped crying.

"Luke..." I mumbled and went to his bed. Jai let me go and I layed down next to Luke. "Are you crazy? Where did you want to go at this time?"

Luke giggled. He didn't seem to be shocked because of the accident or so. This guy was crazy.

"Isn't my mom supposed to ask those questions?" We all chuckled a bit. And I gently hugged Luke "I'm glad you're alright."

"Yeah, I had a lot of luck."

"But now tell us, where did you want to go?" Gina said while I was still laying on Luke's bed with him. Jai and Gina sat on Luke's side of the bed.

"Uhm, can I talk to Holly before? I mean, ..alone?"

Why did he want to talk to me? alone?

"Sure." Gina said and went out. Jai got up and gave me a quick kiss before he went out, he closed the door behind him and I looked at Luke.


"Okay, in the afternoon, I heard that you and Jai are a couple again and at first I was really happy but then I realized we wouldn't spend that much time together anymore. See, I really enjoyed having you only for me. You know that I love you. And I know that you love me too. But bla bla bla we had this discussion about a million times. I know you love Jai more. Anyways, I was really sad then and watched some TV. But I knew what you were probably doing upstairs and I couldn't stand knowing that. So I grabbed the car keyes and drove around a bit. I went to a park and tried to think of something different but I couldn't. Everything that was on my mind was about you. You are my everything, okay? I don't want to make you feel like you have to love me because I think I'm better than Jai. No. And I can guess how you have to feel. You're in love with both of us and we both love you. However, the time happened to fly by and it was already the middle of the night. I wanted to drive home and suddenly this car crashed into mine. Everything was blurred and then I passed out. And when I woke up I was in the hospital."

I started crying again. It was all my fault.

"Why are you crying? Don't do that! I hate it when you're crying!"

"Luke, it was all my fault. And I can't stand all this anymore. It's too much, okay? I'm always the reason for all the bad things."

"No, you're not! And now stop saying that. We all love you and nothing is your fault. You didn't force me to fall in love with you."

I tried to smile and Luke wiped away the tears on my cheeks. Then someone knocked on the door. "Can we come in?" It was Gina. Luke said yes and they came back. I didn't worry about Jai seeing that I've cried. I mean I've cried the whole morning.

"Will you tell us where you were about to go?" Jai asked and looked at Luke and me. Luke shook his head and said "I can only tell you that I was in the park and then I wanted to drive home. I can't tell you why I was in the park."

Gina and Jai nodded. Gina understood, she wasn't a mom to force Luke to tell her. She understood it and she accepted this decision. She knew that the boys knew that they could always come and talk to her, but if they didn't want to, they didn't have to.

But Jai saw things with different eyes. He trusted us. But I saw it in his eyes. He wanted to know what was going on. That's why I decided to ask Luke if I could tell Jai later. I gave Jai a look so he knew about my plan. We understood each other without saying a word. 

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