Chapter 21 - A long night

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After the first movie I said I wanted to go to bed. Luke, Ryan and even Emily said good night and watched another movie. Jai wanted to go to bed with me. He wasn't even tired, I knew that, he just wanted to be with me but I didn't want to. Well actually I did. I wanted him. But I didn't deserve him.

"I'm in the bathroomm for a second." I said. He nodded and before I left my room I added "Go downstairs, you're not even tired."

I didn't let him say something, I just went into the bathroom. Jai followed me. I stood in front of the mirror in the bath as Jai wrapped his arms around me. 

"What's up, babe?" Jai whispered in my ear. His breath on my skin got me goosebumps.


"But you act so different, like Luke this morning."

"I'm just tired, okay?" I said as I looked at us in the mirror. Jai looked at us too, I tried to smile and he smiled back. He turned me around and let his hands find my waist. I didn't want to but I put my arms around his neck. Jai started kissing me. At fist it was just a quick kiss, then it was a passionate kiss. Then his kisses were rougher and he pushed me against the bathroom door. 

WIth one hand locking the door his other hand pulled up my shirt. But I pulled it down again. "Sorry. I'm not in the mood." 

"Nah, okay." Jai said before kissing my cheek. We went to bed and he fell asleep pretty soon. I stayed up waiting for the clock to show me it's 1 AM. When it was time I gently slid out of Jai's arms and got some other clothes on. I went out of the house and saw Ryan waiting for me.

We walked around for a while and I told him what Luke and I did the night before. Ryan cheered me up as much as he could. 

"But you need to tell Jai, he'll find out anyways." Were Ryan's last words before I closed the door behind me, leaving Ryan standing in front of it. I tried to be really quiet but suddenly someone switched on the light. At first I thought my parents noticed that I was out so late but then I saw Luke.

"We should talk, really." he said and I nodded.

We went into his room and sat on his bed. "I should of never done that." Luke began.

"Me neither."

"You know that I love you. And I know you love me too."

"Wait...what? Why do you think I love you?"

"I expected you would ask that. See, you worry about my feelings-"

"That's what friends do."

"I wasn't done yet. Don't you notice the way we look at each other?"

"You 'notice' things that don't happen."

"No, I don't. And don't you notice it? I mean, there is something between us. More than just a friendship."

"A best friendship." I lied, I knew Luke was right.

"But Luke, I may love you and all that but.... you know that I love Jai more."

"I know." Luke nodded.

"I'm so sorry." I had tears in my eyes.

"Yeah, so am I." Luke whispered.

"Please leave me alone now." he said while pushing me out of his room. He closed the door and locked it. I let the tears stream down my face but I tried to be quiet. I sat down on the floor with my back against the wall next to Luke's door. I cried and cried until I fell asleep.

I really hope you like it, lovelies!  And please give me some feedback! x

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