Chapter 17 - Dancing lessons and Surprises

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It was Friday, but one week later. Last Friday, when Ryan and I actually wanted to go to our dancing lesson, I felt too sick to go there so we waited one week.

Luke helped me a lot this week. He always managed to make me smile even though I was still sad about the loss in my family. Luke noticed that I felt better after a few days, that's probably why he started flirting with me again. I could only laugh at this, I had Jai and that was all I needed. But I missed Jai so much. 

Anyways, Luke and I decided to fly home on Tuesday. But back to Friday now. In the morning Luke woke me up with a wonderful breakfast. We ate on my bed, then I called Jai. "Good morning." His voice whispered in the phone. "Good evening." I said. This stupid time difference. We talked a while and I told him that Luke and I would fly home on Tuesday. 

When Luke and I finished eating breakfast and calling Jai, I decided to take a shower while Luke cleaned up the dishes. 

I came out of the shower and went into my room. I didn't notice that Luke was in there and I was just about to throw away my towel. But before I did that I luckily noticed Luke. "Shit! Luke, what are you doing here?" He started laughing and said "Nothing, I was bored." The towel thing reminded me of Jai, the same thing happened when he was in my room, in Melbourne. But I didn't notice him so I threw away my towel. Then we had sex. Oh god, how I missed Jai's body, his lips, the way he treated me, everything.

Luke noticed I was in another world with my thoughts and started making weird faces. "Don't be so silly." I giggled. He went out and I got dressed.

"Luke, I'm ready!" I yelled and one second later he came in again. "So, do you wanna go dancing with Ryan and me tonight?" I asked him and he agreed.

In the evening we got ready before Ryan picked us up. I met him a few times this week but whenever we met up we hugged each other like we haven't seen us for 5 years.

"How do you feel today?" Ryan asked me. "A lot better. And that's only because of you and Luke. And Jai of course." I smiled and Ryan smiled back. We got in the car and drove to the dancing school. It was just a ten minute ride. 

It was just a dancing school for normal standard dances but it made a lot of fun. We had a one hour lesson. The first half of it I danced with Ryan. As I already said, he was my best friend, and we always had a laugh.

But after a while I felt bad for Luke, he was only sitting in the corner, watching us. "I'll dance with Luke now, okay?" I whispered. Ryan nodded and searched for another girl he could dance with. I went to Luke and pulled him up from his chair. "What's up? Are we going now?" He asked me, "haha, you wish, right? But no, we're dancing now."

"But, I can't." Luke said but it was too late, I pulled him closer to me and placed his hands right. It was time for a waltz. The steps were really easy and Luke got them really fast. It felt like he came closer and closer with every move we made. I don't know, it kinda felt right. What was I thinking? That wasn't right. Luke was only a good friend. 

Luke's hand pulled back from mine and he had both his hands around my waist. I gave up on fighting against it so I put my arms around his neck. Luke seemed to lean in for a kiss. What was he doing? He knew I was with Jai! 

My heart said 'don't do it' but something different inside of me said 'do it.' It was like someone else was taking control of my body and I leaned in, too. Luke's lips were so close to mine now. I felt his breath against my lips and I closed my eyes, so did Luke. 

One second before our lips crushed on each others my phone rang. I pulled back immediately, it was like a wake up call to me. I looked at my phone. One new message from "Mom" . I opened it and read out loud "I'll drive you home now, I'm waiting outside. it's important, hurry up. Mom. xx"

Luke and I said good bye to Ryan, then I turned to Luke "What did we just do?" 

"I don't know. I'm sorry."

"Just please don't tell Jai or anyone."

"I'm not gonna tell Jai. Promise." Luke whispered and in that second a pair of strong arms wrapped around me from behind. A beautiful voice whispered in my ear "Not gonna tell me what?" I turned around. "Jai? Jai! What are you doing here?" I said as I jumped in his arms. "I wanted to meet your family and I couldn't wait until you come home." Jai smiled at me. 

I gave him a kiss and hugged him again. "Now tell me, what secret do you have? Why am I not allowed to know?" My smile disappeard and I stuttered "Uh-uhm, tha-that Luke and I..uhm actually.." Luke noticed that I didn't know what to say so he finished my sentence "We didn't want you to know that we planned to come one day earlier to surprise you."

"Ah okay." Jai nodded. I turned to Luke and mouthed the words "Thank you." He nodded and we all went outside. "Where's my mom?" 

"Ah, yeah right, she brought me here. She's waiting there." Jai said while pointing at my mom's car. I smiled and gave Jai a quick kiss. I felt Luke's eyes staring at us in jealousy. He enjoyed having me only for him. And I need to admit that I enjoyed being alone with him, too. Was I in love with both of them? I mean Luke and I...the kiss we almost had... and all that what we did when I was new in Melbourne. There is something between us. I just don't know what it is.

I hope you like it! xx

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