Chapter 32

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Holly's POV

Where the hell am I? I kept walking and reminded myself of how dumb I was to still be out that late. Great, and I forgot my phone. Nah, it's probably better not to come back home. Or maybe I should? Gina and Beau are probably worried. I felt like my head was about to explode. I was having a fight with myself. My heart said I shouldn't give up on Jai.. but my head said he doesn't love me anymore and that I would make out with Luke the next moment anyway. "I hate myself." I mumbled.

Suddenly I saw a light. I walked towards it and saw some letters on a big building. I couldn't read them though. I was too far away. I started to walk a bit faster because I got really scared by then. It was dark and I was alone, pretty scary. I was almost running when I finally recognized that building. It was Luke's hospital! I almost felt like crying because I was so happy to finally be somewhere.

On the hallway I bumped into... "Doctor Kenny! Hi!" There wasn't just one day when I wouldn't see him. "Holly! What are you doing here at this time? And how do you look like?" I looked at myself and saw my shoes were a bit muddy and that I was only wearing shorts and a tee. "Uhm, I ...ugh, never mind." I said and turned away. "Ehm, if you're on your way to Luke.." I turned around again. "yeah?" - "He's not there."

"What? I thought he would go home tomorrow morning?!" I was pretty shocked and I guess you could see that.

"Yeeeah, but his mom called and said that his sister was missing so he wanted to help them with searching her."

"I'm such a troublemaker." I mumbled.

"What?" Doctor Kenny asked. "Uhm, can I phone someone please? I forgot my cell at home." He nodded and handed me his mobile phone. Luckily, I had dialled Luke's number so many times that I knew it.

- "Lukey?"

- "HOLLY? Oh my god, where for god's sake are you?"

- "I'm so sorry, I just wanted to go for a walk but then it was dark but now I'm at the hospital."


- "haha Luke, nothing. I was hoping to see you here."

- "Ah, alright, I'll be there in a minute."

- "Bye."

I handed Doctor Kenny his phone and he smiled "Guess someone was happy to hear from you."

I nodded and he walked off while I sat down on one of the chairs in the waiting hall. About 20 minutes later Luke, Jai, Gina and Beau came to pick me up. I hugged them all... apart from Jai. He stood in the corner and looked quite sad. "I'm in the car, mom." he mumbled and disappeared. - "J-" I wanted to yell his name but I got cut off by Beau "Are you crazy Holly?" I nodded and said "A little bit, I guess. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to worry you."

Before we went to the car we decided to already take Luke with us. Gina and Beau already went to the car while Luke and I got his stuff from his room. "Luke, listen. I'm really sorry but I just felt like I needed some fresh air." - "It's alright." he said and hugged me, through the glass door I could see Jai. he was staring at us and shaking his head. I instantly let Luke go and ran out of the room. "Jai, come on!" But he was gone.

Luke walked up behind me with his stuff and told me he was ready. We went outside and jumped in the car. On the back seats I had to sit in the middle between Luke and Jai. Just like I always felt, like I was between Luke and Jai. I almost had to laugh about how ridiculous that was.

"Let's get some late-night McDonald's!" Beau yelled. I was too tired to complain so I just closed my eyes. Only a few seconds later I fell asleep...

Jai's POV

"Hey, everyone be a bit more quiet please." I whispered as I noticed Holly's head falling on my shoulder. She fell asleep, I felt like her big brother. I mean, don't y'all know how it is when your little sister falls asleep in the car and rests her head on her big brother's shoulder. But Holly wasn't my sister. No, she was more. I loved her. In another way that siblings would.

Everyone looked at us and 'ahwwed'. I gently stroked Holly's hair. Then I felt Luke staring at us. "Jai, believe me, she loves you, only you. You belong with her." he whispered. I couldn't help but smile. Was he right?

About one hour later we all -apart from Holly, who was still sleeping- finished eating and we arrived at home. Luke was just about to wake Holly up when I said that I would carry her. Luke smiled, he knew that I wanted nothing more than being with her. Luke opened the door for us and I got out before I got Holly out.

I gently carried her in and then upstairs. I brought her to her room and closed the door behind us. I placed her on her bed and took her phone off the bed. When I was just about to leave she woke up and said "Jai! Can we talk?" I closed the door again and turned around. "Tomorrow, sweety. We're both tired." - "Yeah, but please stay." I nodded and said "I'll go and use the bath for a second and I promise to come back after that." She smiled and I went out of her room.

I hurried up in the bathroom before I got changed. Then I went back to Holly. I switched off the light and crawled up to her in her bed. I wrapped the blanket around us and she smiled. "I missed this. Just laying here with you, about to fall asleep." I nodded again and said "Yeah, me too."

"Listen, Jai. I really love you. Only you. Luke is like my brother and I care a lot about him and he was in hospital because of me. I was so worried and I'm sorry that I was only caring about him the last time."

"And I'm sorry that I was too dumb to realize that." I kissed her. "I love you Jai." She whispered. "I love you too, Holly." I whispered back and smiled before we both fell asleep.

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