Chapter 28 - Don't leave me, Luke

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"Mr. Brooks. I'm doctor Kenny, your girlfriend Holly told me you have a bad stomach ache?"

 I looked at Luke and saw he was smiling. Then I realized doctor Kenny said girlfriend I chuckled a bit and I guess I even blushed a bit. But it made me happy to see Luke smiling like that. But as soon as he started to giggle he held his stomach again. I saw it in his eyes how much pain he felt and I knew how horrible he must have felt. It hurt me seeing Luke like that.

 "Yeah, that's right. What's wrong with me?"

 "I'm here to find that out now." Doctor Kenny smiled and came closer to Luke. I sat on the chair next to his bed and took his hand. He smiled at me and I smiled back. But what Luke didn't know was that I was afraid. I was afraid of loosing him. I couldn't take that. I have never been good in something like that. And as my granny died I was a mess, too. I couldn't imagine how it would have been without Luke. But then I just hated myself for the thought of loosing him.

 I concentrated on doctor Kenny and Luke again. Doctor Kenny touched Luke's stomach and Luke had to say where exactly the pain came from. I didn't know much about organs or something like that which made me even more nervous.

 "And?" I asked with a shaky voice. Luke heard how scared I was and he pressed my hand whispering "Don't worry."

 But I worried. I felt like crying and screaming, I just didn't know what was going on and it drove me crazy. Just then my phone starting to ring. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Jai. Ugh, at first he didn't want to talk to me and now when I had no time he called me back.

 "Why don't you pick up?" Luke asked being confused. I shook my head and said "This is more important now."

 "Nah, I'll be fine. Pick up." Luke smiled again. He was so good in pretending to be fine. On that day I first realized it. He was always pretending to be fine. Every single time Jai and I were together and Luke saw us, he pretended to be okay. Now, when he had probably the worst pain ever, he pretended to be okay, when I cried about Jai and he listened to me, he pretended to be okay. He was so strong and I admired him so much for that.

 I walked out of the room and picked up.

 "Make it short." I said.


 "No time." that was exactly what Jai said to me the last time.

 "Are you mad at me because I had no time for a call last time?"

 "No, but I'm in the hospital."


 "Silly boy. I'm fine, just visiting Luke." I decided not to tell Jai about Luke's stomach. I kinda didn't want to see Jai. And I guessed he had 'no time' anyways.

 "However, tonight we have a date."

 "Says who?"

 "I say that. I'll pick you up at 8 PM so you have time to get ready. I love you."

 "kay, love you." I said before I hung up. What the hell was going on in Jai's head? He was so crazy. I smiled a bit and went back to Luke's room.

As soon as I entered the room I looked into two worried faces. This all didn’t look good. “What?” I asked. The time seemed to slow done. Everything happened slower. I wanted to make everyone go faster, make them talk faster, and just make everything normal but I couldn’t. I waited for the Doctor to answer me and he said “We have bad news. We have to operate Luke. Immediately. Some of his organs aren’t working normally because of the accident and it’s serious.” He was talking so slow, I started to scream “WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR THEN?!” I couldn’t stand how slow everything was.

Some nurses came into the room. It looked like they were running but they were so slow though. They put Luke on another bed which they could push around in the hospital. They brought him to the operation room. And I ran with them. Well, you couldn’t call it running because we were so slow. I was told to wait outside. I gave Luke a quick kiss on the lips and whispered “I’m waiting.” Then they disappeared in the room.

I sank down on my knees and started  crying. Time seemed to go normal again but I was shocked. I couldn’t get up until a nurse came and helped me up. She told me to sit down on a chair and that I had to calm down. Well, if she would have been in the situation I was in she would have done the same. She told me everything was going to be alright. I couldn’t believe her.

A while later she disappeared and about half an hour later she came back with another woman and two boys. I couldn’t recognize them because everything was blurred because of all the tears. I wondered how I was still able to produce them.

“Holly!” Someone shouted and I recognized that voice. It was Jai. I stood up and ran towards him like in a dramatic movie. I was hoping not to crash into someone and finally I was wrapped in his arms. He kissed my head and I felt two other people joining our hug. I wiped away my tears and saw that those people were Gina and Beau.

“I’m so afraid.” I whispered and they all nodded.

After a while we sat down on some chairs and waited for a doctor to come out and tell us Luke was alright. But the hours passed by and no one came out of the room. No one. 

With every other hour I lost my hope more and more. Every hour costed another tiny piece of my hope that Luke would be fine again. And the tiny pieces turned to bigger pieces.

 Everything that Luke and I did together was happening in my head again. The first time he kissed me. When I sneaked out of my room to see him. And when Jai and I had that fight and I slept with Luke. Just everything. The way he hugged me. The way he kissed me. The way he looked at me. The way he touched me and the way he talked to me. His breath on my skin when we hugged, the weird faces we pulled when we took some selfies. Our pranks on Beau and Jai. Luke has always been there for me. He was a wonderful boy. He deserved the best in life. But he just got the worst. He didn't get the girl he loved because his brother was her boyfriend. He had this f*cking accident...just because.. then I realized it. It was all my fault. I was the reason he had to pretend to be fine. I was the reason he had that accident. I was the reason he was in this critical state. I was the reason for all the bad things in his life. This was just not fair. NO. I stood up and walked away. 

I could hear that people were yelling my name, but not really clear. I just walked out of the hospital. I needed some air. But then I remembered what I said  to Luke. "I'm waiting" I said. I had to go back in. 

I did so. And as soon as I walked through the door I felt somethig strange. I noticed all the people here. Some were crying. Maybe they lost a friend, or a family member. Then I saw other people. They were crying as well. But those tears were tears of joy and of happyness. I saw the baby they carried around. I looked around again while I was walking back to the seats in front of the operation room. There were three more people. They cried as well. But those weren't only 'other people' like the other ones I saw before. No. They were my family.

Coincidence Or Destiny?On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara