Chapter 27 - Hospitals and secrets

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Luke. Luke. Luke. His name was the only thing on my mind as I walked around in the hospital. I started to walk faster and with every step I made I got weaker. I finally found a nurse and asked her for Luke Brooks. She told me to go to Room 212. I almost ran there and looked through the small window on the door. I saw a lot of doctors around his bed. I couldn't go in because a nurse was standing in front of the door. She said I wasn't allowed to go in there right now. I started crying and turned around. I couldn't stand to see what was happening in the room. After a while the doctors came out. I couldn't look at them,  I was scared. I ran into the room and to Luke's bed. He was just laying there. He looked so peaceful. I grabbed his hand and kissed it. "Why?" I cried. I cried and cried. The nurses told me to leave but I couldn't. It was my fault. But I had to leave. I kissed Luke's lips. They were already cold as a stone. I've been here for so long. A tear of mine fell on Luke's face.

"Ms. Brooks you have to go."

"Ms. Brooks! You have to go." I opened my eyes. I saw Luke laying next to me. But he was awake. "Are you alright?" I asked in shock. Luke smiled and nodded. "You fell asleep and you've slept all day long. Mom and Jai are already home."

"Oh, okay." I tried to smile but I was still kinda hypnotized by my dream. The voice of the nurse brought me back to the reality again. She was so annoying. She already said the same sentence about 5 times. I just nodded and got up. I had barely left space for Luke in his own bed. 

I grabbed my jacket and gave Luke a kiss on the cheek. "Call me when you're done with the tests, okay?" Luke nodded and I went out of the room. Through the little window to Luke's room I waved him good bye before I went out of the hospital. I typed in the Brooks' number and waited for someone to pick up the phone. 

"Beau Brooks." 

"Hey Beau, it's Holly. Would you mind picking me up at the hospital?"

"No, mom just told me to pick you up now anyways."

"Okay, see you."


I hung up and wondered why Jai didn't want to pick me up. I tried to call him on his cell but he was ignoring my call. I decided to text him. "Where are you? Love you x"

I waited a while and finally got a message from Jai. "No time"

What was going on? He always said something like 'Love you too' or 'love you even more' but now it was just like 'no time'? Was he mad or so? Or what was he doing? I tried to think of something different.  

After a little while I saw Beau. I quickly hopped into his car. "How is Luke?" he asked and I smiled.

"He's okay. He's having some tests now."

Beau was obviously relieved. He sighed and we both smiled at each other. Then Jai popped onto my mind again. "Do you know where Jai is?" I asked Beau.

He pretended not to know it but I noticed he was lying. 

"Beau, please don't lie."

"Sorry, but I'm not allowed to tell you."

Okay what the hell was going on? I didn't get all this. 

Beau drove us home and I went into my room. I saw a letter laying on my bed. I opened it and saw it was from my mom. Oh mom was so cute. She was probably one of the less people who still wrote letters. I smiled and read it.

Dear Holly, 

I know what you're probably thinking right now. 'Oh god mom. No one writes letters.' But you're wrong honey, I DO write letters. 

Anyways, we miss you a lot, especially Ryan and Emily. (I really wish Emily would be his age. I would already plan their marriage.) Ryan often spends the day with Emily so your dad and I enjoy our free time. 

We're all doing great but we haven't heard of you for so long. *sad face* 

We hope you're alright. And you're welcome to call us. (Just do it, we miss you.)

Oh Ryan just came home with Emily. They say I should write how much they love and miss you. Isn't that cute? 

I'm trying not to cry but I just miss you so much. But the exchange year isn't even half over. AND about two month ago you've just been home for a little while. If you'll ever get children, never let them do an exchange year. A mummy misses her children so much.

I love you - Mom x

I had a small tear in my eye as I smiled. I grabbed my phone and typed in Ryan's number. I didn't care about the time difference. A little while later a sleepy voice answered the phone. 


"Yeah, sorry for the late night call but I just got the letter mom wrote me and I started to miss you like crazy."

"I miss you, too."

"I woke you up, right?"

"Yeah, you did."

"Sorry. Do you want to go back to sleep?"

"No, talk to me."

I smiled and I knew Ryan was smiling, too. I told him about Luke, Jai and me. And that Jai and I are a couple again. Then I told him about Luke's accident. Then I remembered Luke wanted to call me after his tests so I got really nervous and Ryan had to calm me down.

Ryan also told me how much Emily always said she was missing me. After about an hour Ryan fell asleep on the phone. I hung up and giggled. He was so tired the whole time but he just didn't want to stop talking to me. 

Just a few minutes later the phone rang. I ran downstairs and picked up. "Brooks." I said.

"Hey Holly, It's Luke."

"Lukeeeeyyy! How are you?"

"Actually not that good. My stomach hurts so much. I can hardly move."

"Oh okay. I'll get the next bus and visit you immediately, okay?"

"No, no. It's alright. Spend some time with Jai."

"Pff, he's not talking to me anyways."

"Oh okay."

"Don't worry. I'll be there before you've said uhhhm tissue."

"Why tissue?" Luke laughed a bit and so did I.

"That was the only thing I could think of. However. See you. Bye."


I hung up and went to the bus station. I had luck with the bus which means I didn't have to wait for long. Only a little while later I was at the hospital. I quickly went to Luke's room.

I came in and saw how bad Luke looked. "Heeey." I said and kissed Luke's cheek. He smiled and tried to make some space for me in the bed. He held his stomach and I could see how much even the tiniest move gave him the worst pain.

"So bad?" I asked and Luke nodded.

"Did you tell a doctor or so?" Luke shook his head and I told him he had to. Luke didn't want to but I went out of his room and searched for a nurse or a doctor. I saw a man in white clothes and walked up to him. His name was written on a little card. 

"Uhm sorry, Doctor Kenny?" The man turned to me and smiled "How can I help?"

"My name is Holly. I'm a friend of Luke Brooks. He stays in this hospital, he had a car accident and now he has a really bad stomach ache. Could you please look after him?"

Doctor Kenny nodded and followed me to Luke's room. I didn't know why but I had a feeling something really bad was about to happen.

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