Chapter 20 - Regrets

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The next morning someone knocked on the door. I heard someone saying "It's Jai. Holly. I'm so sorry, please let me in. I made breakfast for you." I pretended to be asleep and ignored him. Jai tried to open the door but he noticed it was still locked. "I love you, Holly." he whispered against the door. Then he walked away. 

I closed my eyes again. I felt Luke's naked body pressed against mine and his arm was wrapped around me. I fell asleep again.

When I woke up I noticed that I was alone in the room. Luke was gone. I got up and grabbed my shirt, I pulled it over and opened the door to see that the tray with the breakfast was still there. I grabbed it and closed the door again. I sat on Luke's, I didn't want to eat in my room, maybe Jai was there.

I found a rose on the tray with a little note "I'm so sorry. Hope we can talk later. Enjoy your meal, sweetie. -Jai xx"

I ate a pancake and thought about last night. I really slept with Luke. I slowly started to feel bad and to regret it. Fighting is no reason to cheat on your boyfriend. And then I slept with Jai's BROTHER. Cheating on him wasn't enough, or what? Why his brother?

I decided to take a shower. After that I went into my room and got dressed, Jai wasn't there. He was probably in the living room with Luke. I grabbed my phone and typed in Ryan's number. He didn't answer my call so I sent him a message "Need to talk xx"

I sat down on my bed. I grabbed my pillow and burried my face in it. It smelt like Jai. I loved that. Suddenly someone knocked on the door. "Yeah?" I said and put the pillow away. Emily came in and walked up to me. I helped her climbing on my lap. She didn't seem to be already 8 years old, she still loved sitting on my lap. "Jaijai is waiting for you." She only said Jaijai. That was cute. I tried to smile and asked her where he was waiting for me. "In the kitchen." 

"And do you know where Luke is?" I asked her but she shook her head. Where was that boy?

Emily and I walked downstairs into the kitchen. "Good morning." Jai smiled at me. I tried to smile back and mumbled "Thank you for the breakfast." Jai nodded "No problem." 

I told Emily to call Ryan and to ask him if he wants to go to the park with her. She ran upstairs again and Jai and I were alone. He stopped cleaning the dishes and came over to me. He stood really close to me as he grabbed my hands. He interwined our fingers and said "I'm sorry. I should have listened to you and care more about my brother. I already said sorry to Luke. Can you forgive me?"

I didn't want to forgive him because of the thing with Luke but I did. I just nodded and he hugged me. "Where is Luke? I didn't see him this morning. When I woke up he was already gone."

"I don't know. I only saw him 5 minutes this morning and he acted completely different. Do you know what was wrong with him?" 

I shook my head.

"Aynways, what do you want to do today?" Jai asked me.

"I don't know. Maybe we could go to the park with Emily and Ryan?"

"Okay." Jai and I smiled at each other.

"Emily? Are you ready sweetie?" Ryan yelled, immediately she jumped out of her room and in his arms. "Hi Ryan." she said and we all giggled.

We all went to the park but Luke was still nowhere to be found. "I'm worried." I said to Jai and he nodded. "Can we talk for a second?" Ryan said while pulling me away.

"You said you need to talk. What's wrong, love?"

"I can't tell you now. But I did something horrible."

"When will you tell me?"

"Tonight. Let's just do it like a few years ago, meet up in the middle of the night. Usual time, usual place."

I tried to smile and Ryan smiled back before we went back to Emily and Jai. Jai took my hand and kissed my cheek while we were walking. I didn't deserve all his love right now. Not after what I've done last night. 

All of sudden I saw Luke sitting on a bench, without saying something I quickly walked up to him. "Luke? Are you crazy? I was so worried."

"I'm so sorry, I needed to think. We need to talk, you know that, right?"

I nodded and in that moment the others came. We went home and watched a movie.

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