twenty four.

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"Your hand touching mine.
This is how galaxies collide."
— Sanober Khan

Taehyung POV

It was such a silent day. No one was responding, all except for my little sister who continuously wanted to make sure I wasn't forgetting the date and when I needed to be in what places at what time.

Jimin had checked out of life completely for the day, hiding under his bed sheets with a hungover Yoongi that only wanted to eat bowls of soups and listen to his boyfriends playlist of girl groups.

And Jungkook still hasn't responded to any of my texts. Or even come home to his own apartment yet.

It was noon when I left his house, and only eight hours later I was still checking my phone. The sun had set by now and my stomach was grumbling with the need to consume absolutely anything after that pathetic family dinner. Expensive restaurants always serve the smallest portions of the blandest things, it was a sad excuse of a Korean meal and I can't believe my mom and sister decided that place would cater the wedding.

I kept thinking about the assortments healthy salads and dry meat while I dug for something in my fridge. Who wants to eat a bowl of lettuce when they could be having spicy meat kababs or those glazed tofu bites that Jungkook made that one time. Jungkook.

How is it that he ends up crawling his way into my mind no matter the topic.

Shaking the thought out, I grabbed my quick meal and dragged myself over to the living room, attempting to drown out my own self with that of the television.

There was some documentary on about birds. It was too informative but had pretty colors so I kept it on. That is, until there was a knock on my front door almost an hour later.

The food by now was long gone and my pants had been left on the floor by the couch around midnight. Knowing who was at the door I may have kept them on a little longer. I wasn't expecting to see the boy I've been thinking about to be on the other side of my apartment door at nearly 1 am. "Jungkook?"

The mentioned black haired boy stood outside my apartment with a small smile on his face, eyes bright with his usual backpack over one shoulder and another grocery bag hanging in the other hand. "Taehyung."

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

Jungkooks eyes obviously glanced down to my boxer clad legs before looking back up with an even wider smile, "I made plans for the two of us, in accordance to your.." he trailed off trying to find the right words, "fear of the public eye?"

I narrowed my gaze just a bit and walked away from the door, leaving it open for him to enter, "I'm not afraid of humans you ass."

"Just of what they all think." he shot back, remaining at the door with his shoes on. "Now let's go slow poke." 

I waved him off, bending over to grab my jeans and tug them on one leg at a time, "Give me a minute, unless you want me to go outside barely dressed."

Jungkook was still smiling when I turned back around, that amusement still there in those brown orbs, "I wouldn't be totally against it."

That was met with an obvious roll of the eyes before grabbing my maroon beanie and slipping it on to somewhat help ward off the cold. And then we were out.

Jungkook was leading, down the sidewalk to the who knows where. Well, only he knows.

The closer we got however, my eye started adjusting to the night and things became more familiar. The sidewalk turning towards more open grass and less city buildings, less obnoxious lights and more of the stars thrown across the sky now visible.

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