S.1 P22: (The Text)

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Kevin was sitting on his bed, staring at his phone, staring at one particular contact. He told his friend he would inform them on the events occurring in Riverdale, though he hadn't, not since the closure of the Drive-In.

While Kevin wanted to tell them everything, he was afraid of their reaction, afraid they'd hurt those involved in the chaos.

The events of the day played on his mind. Jughead's birthday was a catastrophic disaster, many were hurt, some physically, some emotionally.

A sigh escaped his mouth as he realised he had to tell them, they had a right to know.

Kevin: Things lately have been disastrous, there are no other words to describe it, today being by far the worst. We decided to have a party for Jughead's birthday, one hijacked by Cheryl, Chuck and the rest of the school. Cheryl and Chuck decided to play a game that resulted in everyone's secrets being revealed. Cheryl was accused of incest as well as murder. Rosalie was accused of killing Jason. Archie had an affair with the music teacher. Rosalie is somehow friends with the Serpents, though I'm unsure if anyone else is aware of that.

Kevin stared at his phone, curious on whether his friend would reply immediately. He smiled as he saw them typing only a minute later.

GBF: Fuck my life. I'll sort things out soon. Stay safe, Keller.

Kevin smiled at the end of the message. They still cared for him, even after everything they went through. 

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