S.3 P5: (Sneakers)

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Reggie and Veronica found themselves at the prison. They had been spending a lot of time together, at least since Archie went to the 'big house'.

They entered the visiting room, smiling as they saw Archie. "Hello Archiekins" Veronica greeted her boyfriend.

He looked at her, then at the box she was carrying. "What's in the box?" "It's a present for you" she informed him.

"You didn't have to get me anything, Ronnie" he said. "Nonsense. Reggie helped me pick them out." She gave him the box. "Open it."

Archie opened the box, smiling slightly at what he saw. "To replace your other pair. Perfect for your triumphant strut out of here, when the innocence Project gets your conviction overturned" Veronica said.

"They're great" Archie said while smiling at his girlfriend. "Thanks, Ronnie, Reg."

"It sucks. You could've worn those kicks at the Pep Rally" Reggie said. "How are the dogs doing?" Archie asked curiously.

"Coach Clayton is running our asses off. Varsity squad will be tough to beat this year, especially with Moose anchoring the O-line. Dude is a straight beast. But we're missing our star running back" Reggie told the boy.

Archie was confused. Surely they would've found someone to fill his position, at least until he's out. "You haven't replaced me yet?"

Reggie shook his head. "No dude, we can't. You're like, totally irreplaceable. I mean, we have Oscar filling your spot until you get back. But it's not the same."

"Is he good?" Archie asked.

"Yeah, he's good. It's just." Reggie let out a sigh. "He's not you. We need you out on the field, bro. Oscar may be good, but nobody can replace you."

Archie couldn't help but recall the conversation he shared with Leon and Oscar about the latter being his rival.

What if Oscar became more liked on the Bulldogs?

Would he forever be replaced? By a Serpent of all people?

Would Oscar actually become his rival?

Only time would tell.

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