S.2 P39: (Mother)

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Fangs stood next to Honey Bee as they looked at his old trailer, the trailer he was brought up in.

Honey Bee looked at the boy, who appeared distressed, not that she blamed him. Florence abandoned her child and left with her abusive husband, only recently returning.

"Are you sure you're ready to do this? We can wait a little longer" Honey Bee said. "If I don't do this now, I don't think I ever will" he mumbled.

Fangs let out a sigh before knocking on the door. "You can do this" Honey Bee reassured.

The door opened revealing a slightly smiling Florence. "Come in, come in."

Honey Bee grabbed Fangs' hand as they entered the trailer. Fangs looked around and let out a sigh. All the pictures that were once there were now gone, the trailer was empty, apart from the furniture.0

"Why'd you leave me? Why'd you fuck off with that bastard leaving me with, not even family, but Honey Bee" Fangs asked, his anger present in his voice.

Honey Bee wasn't offended Fangs didn't call her family, she knew it was because he was upset. She knew he classified her as a sister, just like she classified him as a brother.

"You have to understand, I didn't have a choice" Florence told him. "Really? And why's that?" Fangs asked. 

"Your father was a violent man. Not only did he hit me, but he hit you" Florence said causing Fangs to scoff. "Yeah, I'm aware."

Florence's eyes started to water as she looked at her son. She felt guilty about what she did, though she was protecting her son. Honey Bee looked after him perfectly, without complaining or asking for anything in return.

"He threatened me, he threatened me using you. He told me he was going to kill you. I thought if I could remove you from the situation I could protect you" she told him.

Florence took her son's hands. "Fidel, I never wanted to hurt you. You're my son, and I love you so much."

"Why? Why are you back now" Fangs asked, his own eyes filled with tears. "Why after so many years?" "I've divorced your father. He's out of the picture." "He agreed to it that easily?" Fangs asked confused. He knew his father wouldn't agree to that, he'd want something in return.

"Not exactly. I had to-to sign my share of the business." She squeezed her son's hands. "But it was worth it, as long as I get you back."

"You did that for me?" Fangs voice cracked as he spoke. "Of course I did. Everything I've ever done was to protect you" she told him. "I-I thought you hated me" Fangs said. "I could never hate you. You're my son and I love you."

Fangs and Florence started crying as they hugged. A smile was on Honey Bee's face as she looked at the two, she'd give them some alone time. She went in her bag and put the photo album on the side, the one Melanie got stabbed stealing for them. 

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