S.2 P13: (Distressed)

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It was time for the Gauntlet. Oscar stood near the end and he was very excited.

Jughead took a step forward and the punches begun. He made a few grunts as he got hit, his face scrunching up, but he didn't stop them.

Fangs punched him in the stomach, while Oscar hit him in the head.

Jughead stood in front of Sweet Pea, blood dripping down from a cut he gained after Oscar hit him.

"Is that the best you've got?"

Sweet Pea chuckled as he tightened his grip on his knuckle dusters, before hitting the boy as hard as he could, causing him to fall to the ground.

Slowly, and with slightly blurred vision, the young Jones boy stood up and stared directly at Sweet Pea. Sweet Pea held his hand out for the boy, showing him a sign of respect. The two boys shake hands.

Honey Bee went over to him and gave him a jacket. "Welcome to the family."

Jughead looked around at all the people. They were his friends, his family now.

Sweet Pea smirked, though stopped when his phone started ringing. He saw it was Rosalie and grew confused. She was supposed to be at the So Dale Project, why was she calling him?


"Help me! Please help me!" she cried.

"Where the hell are you?" Sweet Pea tried to remain calm, though failed.

"Fox Forest. Sweet Pea, she's trying to kill me."

"I'm on my way. Keep moving, just keep mov-" the phone cut off in the middle of his sentence.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Sweet Pea shouted causing everyone to look at him.

He went over to his bike while Oscar and Fangs followed him. "What's going on?" "Search Fox Forest for Rosalie. Don't stop until you find her. Message us if you do, and I'll do the same."

Sweet Pea was terrified he had lost the girl he liked, the girl he grew to like more and more each day,

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I honestly have no idea what Knuckle Dusters are called in America, or anywhere else.

✔️ Wild Rose Series Unused Scenes ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt