S.2 P19: (Anguis)

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Cheryl sat at her dining room table with Penelope and Nana Rose. No words were spoke between the three as they ate their dinner.

Suddenly Nana Rose put her fork down and smiled. "Finally. She finally found her Anguis. They'll be happy, at least until the opening."

Penelope rolled her eyes. "Once again you're talking utter nonsense. Honestly, no wonder my Cheryl does the same, she must have gotten it from you."

Penelope left the table and Cheryl looked at her Nan. "What happened Nana Rose?" "She's finally happy, her Anguis makes her happy. And Jason would approve."

Cheryl was confused. She was confused on the person Nana Rose spoke of, the girl who was finally happy. She also had no idea the meaning of the word 'Anguis', she wasn't even sure it was English. And she was right, it wasn't English, it was Latin.

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