S.2 P3: (Diner)

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"Why do you insist on dragging me every time you go meet this kid? Why not Sweet Pea or Fangs?" Oscar questioned Tallboy as they walked to a trailer. "You're essentially Sweet Pea with more manners. Besides, he's friends with your little waitress." "Technically Fangs liked her, not me" Oscar corrected him.

They saw Jughead standing by the door waiting for them.

"What's going on?" Tallboy asked. "There's an event at Pop's. Since the shooting the place has been almost abandoned. A friend of mine works there." Jughead paused as he looked at Oscar. "And she may be a friend of yours too."

Oscar rolled his eyes but smirked. "Yeah, yeah, I know Rose. She's a good girl, sweet, kind, sarcastic-" "We get it" Tallboy said stopping the younger boy from continuing.

"What do you want us to do?" Tallboy questioned. "I thought it would be good if the Serpents showed their support. It would show the town not only do the Northside care, but the Southside does as well."

Oscar was about to reply when his phone beeped. He groaned, yet stopped when he saw who had messaged him. Of course it was a group chat that Fangs set up, but still included him and three other people.

Rosalie: There's an event at the Diner, you guys should come, it will be fun. Also, I haven't seen you for a while.

Oscar looked up at Jughead. "You said something about a shooting at Pop's, right?" "I'm aware what I said." "Where was Rose when this happened? She's always at Pop's, wouldn't she be there?"

Jughead paused, trying to think of the correct way to word what happened. "She didn't get shot, but she was there."

"And you didn't think to tell us?" Oscar questioned. "If she wanted you to know, she would tell you herself."

A scoff escaped Oscar's mouth. "Wow, you're just a ray of sunshine aren't you?" Tallboy grabbed the boys arm, stopping him as he took a step towards the other boy. "If that's all you want, then we'll be on our way."

The two serpents walked away from the Trailer. "You made the right choice picking me, Sweets would have killed him."

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