S.1 P30: (Foney)

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Honey Bee was nervous as she approached the reception. "I'm here to see FP Jones." The receptionist gave her a strange look. "Honey, right this way."

An officer took Honey Bee to a cell, the cell FP was being held. She was nervous as she saw him. The last time they saw each other things were a little different.

"I should feel honoured, the great Honey Bee coming to visit me. Tell me, is it a special occasion that I've managed to forget" he teased. Honey Bee rolled her eyes. "As charming as ever, however, I'm here for a reason" she said.

FP was slightly nervous, he was afraid something bad had happened during his absence. "What's happened?" "Well Northsiders were attacking Serpents, though nothing too serious. We managed to back away from them, keep ourselves out of trouble. And there's another reason I'm here."

Honey Bee paused as she looked at the man. "What is it? What's wrong?" "We need to talk, about what happened between us" she said.

"We both know what happened. We were lonely, we fooled around. You were stressed, due to your responsibility of taking care of two kids who are not your own. I was stressed due to all this shit" he explained.

She nodded her head. "I just needed to know, that's all." "And now you know" he replied coldly.

"Look, now I'm gone, things will get bad. I need you to keep an eye on things, on everyone, especially the younger ones" he told her. She nodded her head. "I'll do my best to keep everyone in line."

Honey Bee left FP alone, his words playing in her head. He acted as if them sleeping together was a one time thing, but it wasn't. They didn't sleep together just once, not even three times, but over ten. 

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