S.2 P35: (Awkward)

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Kevin sat alone in Pop's Diner. He was hoping Rosalie would be working, that way he'd have some company, yet she was no where to be found.

"Kevin?" The boy in question looked up to see Moose, with him was his girlfriend Midge.

"Hey Moose, Midge" Kevin greeted the couple. "Are you here with anyone?" Midge asked. He smiled nervously. "Nope, I'm all alone."

"In that case, grab your plate and come sit with us." Midge looked up at her boyfriend. "Right Moose?" The boy nodded his head, though he was slightly uncomfortable. "Yeah, definitely. The more the merrier."

Kevin watched as the couple went over to a booth. A single sigh escaped his mouth. "Why the hell not?" He grabbed his food and drink and made his way over to the couple. 

"So, Kevin, who are you meeting at the movie? Some dreamboat?" Midge asked teasingly.

"Oh no, I don't have a date. I'm just going to this gay rom-com alone" Kevin replied.

"What?! No, that's crazy." Midge shook her head in disbelief. "We need to find you someone. What about Leon? I heard you two had a thing before."

Kevin let out a small chuckle. "No, no, he's not interested in relationships, more of a fun loving kind of guy." "Well, what about one of those new Southside guys? Rose told me one of them is gay" Midge said.

"If it's Fangs Fogarty, I don't think that's a good idea. I couldn't date someone named Fangs. And he's hooking up with Leon, he wouldn't go near me when Leon has his claws into him" Kevin replied.

"They're both good looking dudes" Moose added. Midge scoffed while playfully pushing him. "Oh, my God. Please. What do you know, you big lug?"

The three chuckled, though Kevin was annoyed. It was clear Midge didn't know anything that happened between them. Moose had lied to him.

Midge looked between the two and smiled. "How did you two get to be friends anyway?" she asked, causing Moose's eyes to widen.

"Uh.. We.. Um.. We were.. Uh." "Lab partners" Kevin said, saving a stuttering Moose. "Biology."

"Oh, that's nice" Midge said with a smile.

Kevin chuckled falsely, before smiling a clearly fake smile at Moose, who chuckled nervously. Kevin was sure he'd never find a guy who liked him.

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