S.2 P12: (Drunk and High)

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Fangs sat in the Whyte Wyrm watching Sweet Pea play pool, while Oscar made out with his new fling. Oscar had slept with many, many southside girls. He even tried his luck with Toni, but she denied him.

"Twenty." Sweet Pea smirked as he put his hand out to Tall Boy. "One day you won't beat me" the older man told him.

Fangs laughed, though stopped when his phone rang. He grinned when he saw the name of the person calling him.

"Hey, are you free now?" Fangs asked, he could hear Leon chuckle through the phone.

"No, we're at this party thing, Rose is too drunk and high to know the difference between up and down" Leon replied.

"Where is she?" Fangs asked concerned for his friend.

"She's dancing with some rich dude, but he's not important, nor is she. Actually this is kind of important, could you pick us up later. Rosalie is wasted and I'm not capable of driving. If you bring the other half of Sweetlie, then you can drive my car and stay the night with me. Sweetlie can stay together too!" Leon explained.

"In other words, you're drunk and high too" Fangs said, not pressing on the fact Rosalie was dancing with another guy, a guy who wasn't Sweet Pea.

"You're right, I'm wasted. Thank you, I'll text you the address, Later Bat."

Leon hung up before Fangs could reply. "Fuck" he spoke rather loud gaining Sweet Pea's attention. "What's happened now?" "They're drunk and need us to pick them up" Fangs told him. "What do you mean, 'we'? Why not just you?" Sweet Pea asked concerned. "They're drunk and high" Fangs admitted.

Sweet Pea rolled his eyes as he put his pool cue on the table. "You can take over Tall Boy." "Sure, go play knight in shining leather" Tall Boy joked causing Sweet Pea to roll his eyes yet again.

"Let's go get them and make sure they're safe."

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