S.2 P43: (Helper)

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Sweet Pea didn't know what to do. It was his girlfriend's birthday and he had no idea what to get her. He wanted to get her something meaningful, something she'd love.

A sigh escaped his mouth as he knocked on Oscar's trailer. Sweet Pea couldn't think of anyone else who could help, at least anyone who wasn't busy.

The door opened revealing Isabelle, Oscar's mother. A clearly fake smile was on the woman's face as she looked at the Serpent.

It was no lie Isabelle blamed Sweet Pea for her son joining the Serpents. She believed Oscar only joined the gang because Sweet Pea did what any decent person would do, help someone who was defenceless.

She hated Sweet Pea, nothing would change her mind and as the boy stood in front of her, she wanted nothing more than to yell at him.

"Hello Sweet Pea, I assume you're looking for Oscar." "Yeah, is he here?"

Isabelle allowed the Serpent to enter the house, despite the fact she disliked him, he was still Oscar's friend.

Sweet Pea went to Oscar's door, knocking on it loudly, just in case the boy wasn't alone.

The door opened revealing the boy in question. "Sup Sweets?" "I need your help."

"What can I do for you? Do you need a make over? A lesson on how to be gorgeous? I'm afraid I can't help with that, being this gorgeous is a gift, one that can't be shared" he said with a grin.

"A gift, I need to find a present for Rosalie, for her birthday" Sweet Pea told him. Oscar let out a low whistle. "You mean you haven't got her anything yet? Boy, you're slacking."

"Seriously, I need your help" Sweet Pea said, not in the mood for any more of his friend's jokes.

"You're lucky, Rose just likes simple things, sweet kind gestures. Buy her a photo frame with a picture of the two of you, she'd go crazy over it" Oscar told him.

Sweet Pea shook his head. While the idea was sweet, it just wasn't enough.

"Or make her a book, telling her how much she means to you, include pictures of her friends" Oscar suggested.

Sweet Pea grinned at his friend. "I knew I kept you around for a reason." "Glad I could be of service" Oscar replied, while saluting his friend. 

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