S.2 P8: (Protect)

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A Mother would do anything to protect her child, her children. Once Sweet Pea, Fangs and Oscar entered her trailer, scared, she knew she had to do something. She forced them to follow her to the station.

"I need to speak to Sheriff Keller immediately" she said. "I'm afraid-" "Now!"

Honey Bee had gone to the station to collect the three boys multiple times, never was she this angry.

"What is it Honey Bee?" Sheriff Keller asked. "I want that psychotic red circle kid put in a mental hospital where he belongs!" He stared at her shocked as she continued to rant.

"And he thought he had the right to come into the Southside, while my boys were in the shop and deface it. And then, then he put a gun in my brothers face. A fucking gun!"

Sheriff Keller turned to the three boys. "You said he put a gun to your face?" Sweet Pea nodded his head. "Are you sure it was him?" Oscar scoffed. "You don't forget when someone puts a gun in your face."

"I'll deal with him. Thank you for coming to me" Sheriff Keller said.

"If nothing is done Keller, the fires of hell will rage" Honey Bee warned him before walking away.

She knew he wouldn't do anything major, he only cared for his own, the Northside.

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