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  I got up from the bed with anger boiling in every inch of my tiny being 'No. Why do I care? Why do I don't want that scumbags to die! Why do I want to surrender myself in order for them to be fine! WHY! WHY DID I GROW ATTACHED! THIS IS WHAT I TRAINED FOR 12 FREACKING YEARS! WHY AM I BEING LIKE THIS!' As I walked back and forth with my brain running the mile with thoughts I couldn't hold my anger anymore so I punch right through a wall, breaking it, as I took my fist out of the wall blood was coming out of my knuckles, but it didn't hurt, my anger had me numb. I looked down at the ground with now more sad thoughts consuming me 'Lisa... Jungkook... they are probably the surprises Baekhyun was talking about... but... fuck... I tried so fucking hard to protect them... yet.... this happened... I have to do something....' I sat once again on the end of the bed looking blankly at the wall in front of me while feeling the blood coming out of my hand to the floor. My mind was everywhere with thoughts coming and going 'Should I give myself in... they can't die... what am I gonna do...' I was so zoned out that I didn't even noticed Jaebeom cleaning the blood from my hand, I just came back to reality when I felt Jaebeom's arms sliding through my waist and hugging from behind, I didn't do anything at first but when he tightened it I only then noticed that tears were once again falling from eyes 'Stupid tears. Stupid feelings. Stupid!' So I gave in and grabbed his hands before going up is arms until mine could completely cover his, he placed his head on my shoulder and I leaned mine on his. 'Why do I feel so comfortable and at ease with you...?'

  Jaebeom: "Everything is gonna be ok..."

  His voice was sweet, which is something rare, yet it was trailing off and it cracked and with that I knew he was also on the verge of crying, so I tightened my grip on his arms somehow trying to give him comfort , 'Why do I want you to be ok...?'

  Sophie: "I don't know Jaebeom... I don't know what to do..."

  I could feel Jaebeom sighing even do no sound came out of him.

  Jaebeom: "We will find a way. A way without you surrending yourself and a way without anyone getting killed. I promised you that."

  Sophie: "Don't promise something you can't keep."

  Jaebeom didn't said anything, instead he pulled up in the bed and laid me down, so that we both we be laid down, cuddling. I felt a heart beat, but honestly I didn't know if it was mine our his, as our body were so close together, every single part of me felt comfortable, and at ease,
protected, like a hurricane would pass through us and I would leave without a single scratch, and it's been years since I last felt like that. After minutes of silence I turned my body to Jaebeom with him still hugging my waist.

  Sophie: "Jaebeom... do you really promise...?"

  I felt like a little kid who was afraid of the big foot and was asking for protection but I honestly couldn't care less. He placed his warm hand on my also warm face making my heart skip a beat.

  Jaebeom: "I do Sophie. Now please sleep. You need to rest."

  I mirrored a smile he threw me and cuddle a bit more on his chest.

  Sophie: "Thank you. And please rest too."

  I could feel his heart beat and it was as fast as mine at this moment 'What is happening to me...?' He moved a little on the bed before starting to caress my back.

  Jaebeom: "I will."

  He tightened the hug and continued to caress me until I fell asleep.

*Jaebeom Pov*
  I was looking at Sophie who was peacefully sleeping, I smiled unknowingly and kissed the top of her head 'What are doing to me Sophie...? What is this strange feeling? I want to be with you all the time, to touch you, feel your skin, your warmth, I want to protect you with my all being. Every time you go out my heart stays on my hands until you came back and only then I can finally breath... what the fuck is this? Every time you are close to me I feel like my heart is gonna pop out of my chest, and this feeling won't stop... and the thing is... I don't want it to stop... I like this... it makes me feel good, confused, but good. I just hope that you are asleep so that you won't hear my heart beat.' After thinking for I don't know how much time I fell asleep with Sophie on my arms.

*Lisa Pov*
  I woke up with my neck hurting me and when I opened my eyes I was in a dark room with 7 figures next to me, my eyes were still trying to adjust to this little light involving us, but I could hear heavy breathing, a lot of it, like they had just ran a marathon, and I could also hear a nervous breathing, like that person was scared, and honestly so was I, I didn't know where I was, I just remember being on my way home and then everything went black as something hit my head, the place where the object hit still hurted. After some time my eyes could finally see what was surrounding me so I looked up seeing black all around me, and 7 other chairs with 7 boys on it, and I immediately recognized two of them, I was to preplexed seeing one of the boys that not one word came out of me as my eyes looked ready to jump, just then Jungkook's voice made me come out of my trance.

  Jungkook: "LISA! LISA! OMG ARE YOU OK?!"

  Lisa: "I guess? I am not hurt. Like them... are you ok Jungkook?!"

  Jungkook nodded and I looked to other 6 boys seeing their state 'For how long have they been here...? What have they suffered...? What is even happening...? Why am I and Jungkook here...? And how... he...'. My eyes stopped on the other figure I thought I knew 'It can't be... it's not possible... he is dead... Jackson... you are dead... so why are you here...?' I was staring at Jackson trying to figure out if he was real or if it was just my imagination. And like he could read my thoughts he smiled at me, as much as he swollen face allowed and said.

  Jackson: "Hi Lisa. Yes it's me. Jackson."

  My eyes widened even more if that was even possible and I could see Jungkook's chin fall almost to the floor.

  Jungkook: "Sophie's Jackson? As in Jackson Wang, Sophie's brother? The one supposingly dead?"

  Jackson just nodded and smiled at him.

  Jackson: "You must be Jungkook, Sophie's ex."

  Jungkook looked down. I knew how much he was still hurting for their break up, mine and Jackson's eyes softened and the sight of the broken boy, but I soon looked at Jackson again still not fully believing, and my face must have showed exactly that because Jackson laughed softly 'His laugh is still the same... it's really him...'

  Lisa: "How...?"

  Jackson: "It's a long story. Maybe one for another time. You are all growned up now."

  Lisa: "Uh. Thanks... believe me you too..."

  I talked stuttering a bit, not sure of what to say to the supposingly dead brother of my best friend and then it hit me.

  Lisa: "Does Sophie knows?!"

  Jackson: "She does. Like I said. It's a long story."

I nodded understanding that this was maybe not the place where to do this. No one beside Sophie knew about this but when we were little I had the biggest crush ever on Jackson and seeing him now, it's weird.

  Lisa: "Where are we?"

  Jackson was about to respond when someone entered the room. I looked at the tall slinder figure and my heart started beating faster in fear because of the knife he was holding on his left hand while wearing a disgusting smirk on his lips.

Who is this tall slinder figure? And what is he gonna do???
Find out on the next chapter 😉
See ya~

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