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*Back to Sophie's Pov*
With closed eyes I waited for the bullet to pass through me but even when the shot was heard nothing was felt on my head, I felt a strange shiver going through my upper body as I opened my eyes in shock only to see Yugyeom's figure next to Lay's in a position like he had just gave him a kick, not long after, before Lay could even get up, Jinyoung gave him also a kick making Lay finally fall down as his foot hit Lay's chin and Youngjae quickly went for his gun who had falled between the kicks and shot him in a matter of a second right in the head.

I stayed still, my body was frozen, my eyes kept on wondering on the three panting boys as a kicks was heard against the door making it fly open.

I turned my head only to see Jaebeom 'What is he doing here? He shouldn't be here? He came for them? Did he came for me...? No. I am not that special.' my head kept spinning with everything going on, and dizziness started taking over my body. Everything became silence. Everyone's eyes were on me. I was about to talk when a sharp pain came over my all body being the source of it my stomach, so I looked down only to see a tiny whole with blood flowing from there 'The shot. It hit me.' That was the only thought filling my head as I saw my shirt being filled with my own blood.

I felt my body falling back but instead of feeling the cold floor hit my back I felt two strong harms holding my fragile frame, by his scent I could tell Jaebeom was the one holding me.

Jaebeom: "Sophie! Sophie! Please stay with me!"

I could only hear is voice like he was on another room instead of right above me as I felt my eyes getting heavy and my body feeling tired.

Sophie: "So... Tired..."

I manage to mumble as I felt wet drops to hit my cheek while someone untied my hands, I looked to the side only to see the three boys kneeled beside me with teary eyes and looked back again at Jaebeom who was the source of the wet drops left on my cheek.

Somehow I got strength to clean some of his tears and curved my lips onto a tired smile.

Sophie: "It's ok... I was not afraid... Thank you..."

'Goodbye guys. I love you. This is my worthy ending.' That was the last thought I had before everything turned black.

*Jaebeom Pov*
Her hand who was on my cheek fell down as her eyes closed making her head fall to the side. Tears fell down uncontrollably through my cheeks hitting her face as my heart broke into a million pieces seeing her body there. I could here voices beside me but what they were saying stayed a mystery as my only thought was kept on her. My body felt numb as I held her in my arms. Seeing her there only made me angrier and sadder. I wanted to scream. I wanted to shout and kill everyone who was in front of me. But the only thing I did was hold her even more close to my body and cry. But as I was so close I felt something cold on my ear, it felt like a tired breath 'SHE'S NOT DEAD!' That was the only thing I thought before getting up with her still on my arms and running out of there without checking if Jinyoung Youngjae and Yugyeom were after me. No one was on the house which was strange but I had no time to think about it.

I just ran. My legs were moving themselves alone, I have never ran so fast on my life before. Tears kept on streaming down my face as my feet kept on moving. I was panting by now, tired and scared, scared of not saving her on time. 'Hold on Sophie. You are gonna make it.'

I finally reached my car and took from Sophie the car keys. I quickly opened the car and placed her carefully on the back seat. My chest was going up and down with air filling and leaving my lungs. When I got in the car and was about to leave I started hearing 3 voices screaming for me and it came to me that they were still going after me. I waited for them impatiently and as soon they entered I pressed the accelerator with my full strength making the car skid a bit.

After the most danger drive I ever made we somehow reached the hospital we owned and I grabbed her once again in bridal style and ran inside the hospital with them behind me.

As soon as we got in five doctors came to us worried we were hurt but soon noticed Sophie's state and commanded me to place her on a stretcher, I did so carefully and they sent her to the urgency leaving us behind, I tried to follow them but Jinyoung grabbed me making me stop.

Jinyoung: "You can't Jaebeom."

I turned to him angry because he wasn't letting me go but soon realized he was right and relaxed a bit under his touch feeling my cheeks to get wet again as fear crept inside me, fear of losing her, and as soon Jinyoung let go of me all the strength I had flew away and I fell down on my knees. I soon felt two arms around my shoulders hugging me on the ground I didn't think too much before hugging him back and I let myself cry on his shoulder, sobs after a while started taking control over my body as more four arms wrapped themselves around me as well.

Yugyeom: "It's ok... She's gonna be ok... she's a strong girl."

Yugyeom's voice shot through my ears making me wake up from my crying and getting up without saying a thing while sitting on the chairs on the waiting room. Soon after they came and sat next to me.

Jaebeom: "What if she won't be ok?"

I suddenly asked making them all grow silence.

Youngjae: "She will. Let's just think that."

I simply nodded before placing my head on my hands while looking to the ground.

Jaebeom: "This is all my fault-"

Jinyoung: "It is no your fault Jaebeom. You didn't make her go after us ok. Unfortunately the situation went this way but that is not your fault."

Jinyoung interruped me spitting words with a stern voice almost like he was scolding me. I had no more strengths to say a thing so I just nodded before glueing my back to the chair and resting my head on the wall before closing my eyes.

Youngjae: "Let's go home. We are all tired."

Jaebeom: "No. I am gonna stay. If you want go. But I am staying."

I said with my eyes still closed and no propose on leaving that place, on leaving her here.

I simply heard some sighs in response before opening my left eye only to see them putting themselves on comfortable positions knowing that it may take a while to get out of here.

We stayed there all night while the operation occurred. The rest of the them got here in the middle of night because Jinyoung called them telling what happened exactly.

It was 12:02 a.m when I was woken up by a nurse. She told me to follow her so I quietly got up feeling different parts of my body hurting because of the uncomfortable sleeping positions. When we where finally away from the 8 sleeping individuals she started talking.

Nurse: "About Sophie's case."

I nodded in fear of something going wrong waiting to hear the nurse continuing talking to finally put an end my suffering, or increasing it...

I am sorry for taking so long to upland guys😢.
See ya~

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