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Mark inhaled and exhaled deeply trying to find some type of courage before he started talking.

Mark: "Sophie I love you and not in the family type of way, unfortunately and somehow I fell in love with you. And I-I can't watch you die, not for me, not for them, not for anyone you deserve to live as much as any of us does. I am sorry I didn't had the guts before to tell you how I felt it's just that I know you would never look at me the same way that I look at you, and I couldn't deal with the rejection. But now I regret it, now I am telling you because I am afraid I am never gonna see your beautiful face again, hear your amusing laugh or even feel your warms hang against my face, if I didn't told you now that I love you I don't think I could ever live with myself"

Mark poured his heart out completely while I kept on caressing his cheek the entire time, now and then cleaning an escaping tear. I couldn't bring myself to say a word, I was too perplexed 'He loves me... he loves a traitor. Fuck what have I gotten myself into I could never tell them who I truly am, they can't find out... I can't do that to them I have to hide it, but what if they find out either way.  Fuck I should've never accepted this stupid mission if I hadn't neither of was would be here right now, it's all my fault...' I was once again emerged on my own thoughts to notice tears started to fall down my cheeks to my neck while Mark kept on trying to calm me down.

Sophie: "Thank you Mark thank you for loving me even tho I don't love you back and I am sorry for that"

Marks lips formed into a calming soft and comforting smile.

Mark: "It's ok Sophie, I don't blame you. And thank you for appearing in my life and making me learn what love is."

Sophie: "Mark no offence but or you're an angle or you're stupid as fuck for being so nice to me..."

I said half joking half serious earning a chuckle from him followed by one from me. I smiled as I tilted my head to the side.

Sophie: "Never lose that angel side of yours. It's beautiful. I hope you have a good life Mark. And that you find your true love, and that that person treats you right, or else I am gonna come from my grave to smack their ass."

Mark laughed while I kissed his forehead and cupped his cheeks feeling a tear meet my thumb.

Sophie: "Goodbye Mark."

Mark simply nodded together with a sniff as I passed onto my best friend. I kneeled down in front of her and tears immediately met the corners of my eyes, in front of me the best person I ever met in my entire life, my rock, my sister, my everything, my best friend for almost ever, one that I pushed away because of this stupid mission, one mission that only ruin my life and the life's of the ones around me, looking at her now makes me remember everything we've been through together, all the memories we made together, from playing with barbies to getting crazily drunk for the first time, 'I am gonna miss this bitch' I wanted to talk, I wanted to say everything and anything to my best friend one last time, but nothing came out of my mouth, tears were now streaming down my face while I looked down trying to control the sobs that wanted to came out.

Lisa: "Sophie"

Her voice cracked while saying my name making my heart breake. I looked up at her only to see her red puffy eyes, same has her cheeks who were now drenched with salty tears.

Sophie: "Lisa... I am sure you have a lot of questions on your mind so go ahead ask them"

That was the only thing that was able to come out of my mouth. She inhaled deeply trying to control her own tears unsuccessfully.

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