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*Still in Jimin's Pov*
  But to explain that mission I have to go away back.

-20 years ago-
  2 years. It took my parents 2 years since my appearance to this strange world to decide that I was a prodigy.

  Why? Because with 2 misery years I already knew how to fight.

  Strange right? Just a baby throwing punches. Yeah. In deed strange. But if you had my parents you would understand that it isn't strange at all.

  Because my parents are agents right? That's why they were so rough.


  My parents weren't agents.

They were gangsters.

They work undercover on SIIA. Why? Because since forever they have been after the Wang family.

  Why you may ask? Well that is simply because the Wang family ruined gigantic plans of my parents gang over and over again.

   And my parents are very vengeful persons.

  And so am I.

  They were the ones who created Bulletproof gang. One of the biggest gangs now a days. And one of the most respected.

  But back to when I had 2 years.

  That was the age my parents decided to throw me into the agency with them. To continue their life mission of destroying the Wangs for good with them. Turning that in my life mission also.

  I grew up next to the Wang family. They had a daughter and a son. But neither of them entered the agency so soon as me. They treated me as they own son too. Actually every adult in there treated my as their own son.


  As the time passed I grew even more closer to the Wangs.

And one beautiful night, one that the Wangs were going back home to their dear kids, I appeared in front of their car making them lose the control of it and have a magnificent accident involving flames, a destroyed car, and two insignificant life's lost. I had five years.

  As you may think my parents were super pleased, and so was I. I had witnessed the lost of this two people who should've been killed long ago, I still remember their last look of help towards me, the pleading for a saviour, they knew they were gonna die, I still recall the last whisper from Mrs. Wang towards me, I couldn't really hear it because of the flames behind, but I knew she was asking for help, and what did I do?

I smiled.

  And due to the such great out come of my accomplished mission my parents gave me on more. The mission of killing the rest of the Wang family.

  As the years passed by I got closer to end Jackson but he disappear out of nowhere. Years after I found him again. On the Black feather gang. And knowing about his whereabouts, being in charge of Bulletproof gang at the time, due to a sudden death of my parents, a death caused by a freaking mission that agent 6, or Sophie's aunt, made them do, making me in charge of the gang instantly, and making me also swear to avenge them, I made the two gangs alies. But never once I showed my face, someone would always go instead of me. I would always make Namjoon go. And with that Black feather gang believed he was the leader of the gang and not me.

  Why? Because years before I found Sophie. Where you ask? On the same agency that I was still working undercover. And luckily for me her aunt made me her partner. And years later, once again luckily for me, she was enlisted to end the Black feather gang. Making my job a lot easier.

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