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*Back to Sophie's Pov*
  It's been 4 days now. 4 full days of thinking and headaches. 4 full days filled with nerves, and uncertainty. But at the last moment I decided. I knew what to do. It may not be the smartest thing but it's what I knew I should do.

  I did not sleep tonight, all night I stared to the whitish ceiling waiting for something to give me a better idea then the one I had, but nothing. I looked at the clock beside me who was showing 05:07 a.m 'It's time..' I thought as I looked back to Jaebeom who was sleeping peacefully with his body turned to me 'You look so peaceful...' unknowingly my hand went to meet his face, more saying his cheek, caressing it lightly. 'I am sorry...' for some reason I felt bad for leaving him there alone, but it was something I needed to do and something he couldn't know. I pushed myself straight in the bed carefully not wanting to wake him up and slowly got out from it to start dressing myself.

After I was done dressing and preparing myself mentally I looked once again at Jaebeom and my heart started getting heavy. I walked closer to him only to kiss him on the forehead lightly before I directed myself to door of the motel room. I placed my hand on the door nob and sighed deeply before twisting it to open the door, I walked outside and before closing the door I looked one last time to the sleeping boy.

  Sophie: "Goodbye Jaebeom..."

  I whispered with a trailing voice before closing the door. I looked ahead of me and inhaled the air surrounding me while I took Jaebeom's phone who I stole out together with the car keys. 'Here we go..' and with that thought I started walking to the car, opened it and entered it closing the door before putting seatbelt on. I placed the hands on the wheel and grabbed it hard while breathing slowly. I finally twisted the car key and started the car.

  30 minutes later I arrived to my destination, took the seatbelt off and took the key off the car.

  During 5 minutes or so I only looked to the ceiling of the car breathing and thinking before I took Jaebeom's phone out and called someone, someone I need to talk, someone I needed to say goodbye.

  The time it took to the other person to answer the phone made the nerves inside of me to pop even more and instantly when the other line picked up tears came to my eyes 'I hate emotions.'

-On The phone-
    ??: "Who is this?"
     Sophie: "Jimin..."
  My voice cracked as tears started streaming down my face not letting me finish my sentence.
    Jimin: "SOPHIE!? Omg! Are you ok?! I was so worried about you!! How are you? Omg are you crying? Why are you crying?! DID THEY HURT YOU!? I AM GONNA KILL THEM!"
  I couldn't help but to laugh at my partner overprotective ways, but soon my sobs replaced the laughs.
Sophie: "I missed you too you dumbass."
  I manage to say between sobs while cleaning the tears with the back of my hand.
Jimin: "What happened Sophie? Why are you calling me...?"
  I inhaled deeply trying to calm myself down before talking.
Sophie: "First things first. This number. Keep it, note it down somewhere and manage to hack into it. It's the phone of the black feather gang leader. Im Jaebeom. But delete any trace of me calling you."
'This wasn't why I called. I shouldn't be telling him this. This will destroy the boys... wait, no. That is exactly why I should do it. I-I-I don't know what I am doing anymore... why do I want to help them... I should finish my mission! Fuck this... fuck Jaebeom... fuck emotions..." I was so overwhelmed on my own thoughts that I didn't even noticed Jimin calling me over and over again until he screamed making me jump a little on my seat.
Sophie: "I am sorrry. I zoned out."
Jimin: "Zoned out? That's a new one. You never zoned out in 12 years."
Sophie: "I guess..."
Jimin: "Those boys are affecting you aren't they...?"
  I sighed in response not knowing what to actually say.
Jimin: "Fuck Sophie. You can't. You have to finish the mission. You know what the agency does to agents who turn their backs to SIIA."
  There was a long pause before Jimin continued.
Jimin: "They get killed. Slowly. Even if you are the niece of one of the heads. They won't let you pass if you betray them."
Sophie: "I know... but why do they even do that? Why do they kill agents? Agents who helped them through years. Who devoted their life's to them. By them doing that they are no better then the persons we go after. I am no better. I may be even worst. You may be even worst. At the end of the day. We are also criminals. We also command on most of the mafias and gangs around the world right? And we don't stop them from killing innocents, we don't stop them from doing wars, and we don't stop them from drug dealing. And why is that? Because we get all the money from the shady business. We. Are. No. Better. We are the worsts."
  Jimin stayed silent after hearing everything I just poured to him, even secret information that I by mistake heard from my aunt. While he stayed silent I started thinking about everything I said too, saying all of that information out loud made me realize that SIIA was not as good as they say, as they make us believe, they are just as bad as they make us think the gangs and mafias are. I started thinking 'I am not on the right side.'
Jimin: "You are right. But that still doesn't mean anything. If the agency as all that power you won't be able to hide if you betray them. So Sophie I beg you. Be smart. Because if you betray them. You betray me. And I won't look at you as a sister anymore. I won't hesitate on killing you If ordered."
Sophie: "Exactly my point. We are machines. We are not humans. They train us so that we only listen to what they say, so that we won't even question what they do, because they brainwash us to think that they are the only good in this world. But being with this boys made me see that I am a human. I have emotions. Emotions that I can't control. I am no longer they're machine. I am no longer theirs. I belong to me. I am sorry Jimin."
Jimin only sighed at my statement.
Jimin: "I am sorry too Sophie."
Sophie: "Good bye Jimin. I love you."
-Off the phone-

  After saying those last 3 words I hung up on him. And immediately regretted on telling him that this was Jaebeom phone. I immediately regret deciding to enter the agency when I was 10. I immediately regretted on leaving Jungkook. The boy I loved. I immediately regretted leaving my best friend since... forever. So to try and get something right I took the battery of Jaebeom's phone and crushed it together with the phone itself. 'They will no longer be able to get to the information of this phone.' I thought to myself as I got out of the car only to be in front of a big white and gold house. EXO's house.

So~ SIIA is not that good after all...
And Sophie is now at EXO's house... what will happen.
See ya~

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