Chapter 9- Never can imagine

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Chapter 9- never can imagine

I sat near a far tree and curled up in a ball and glanced at where everyone was located at.

Adrianna was with Gary, Sam and Jamie are by themselves and Jackson is....where is Jackson?

I glanced around and then saw him walking over to some tree to lay down and fall asleep.

I closed my eyes and fell into deep sleep.

I was walking down a stiff road, I kept walking, kept walking, kept walking, until I walked into the crime scene of my parents.
My mom sat up,
"Love you."

"MOM! NO!"

I was quickly shaken awake by an obvious male hand. I opened my eyes and noticed tears rolling down my face.

I looked up and saw Jackson standing there.

"What do you want?" I croaked.

"You were screaming...and it got annoying."


I went to fall asleep again but Jackson asked, "what happened to your mother?"

"Why would you care..."

"Never mind..."

I fell back asleep but soon morning rose.

I got up and walked into the forest. Never in all my fostered years did I ever think I'd be kidnapped and be stuck with complete strangers and we have to survive till we die basically.

I kept walking but then I heard a snap of a twig. I turned around quickly and saw no one so I kept walking until I found a bucket.

I went to the bucket and found....Potatoes? Whatever I'm bringing them back to the group.

I sat down and dropped the potato bucket on the ground, which was where everyone came circling around and grabbing one each.

"Hello players, glad your enjoying your meal, because tomorrow, you must make a big decision." The guy on the screen said as our phones lit up.

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