Chapter 22- wait

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Chapter 22- Wait.

I felt blood dripping out and voices, I am still in darkness! Where is everyone!!!

"Hand me the scalpel."

I felt my throat opening and closing, repeat. What's going on?!

Jackson's POV:

I woke up, some bandages around my neck. I glanced at Paige, she lay there motionless and peaceful. I sighed, I blame myself for her being in a coma. If I helped then she would've gotten free and I'd be the one in a coma.
She was the smartest one, the one who figured out why we were there, the one who spoke her thoughts, the one who found the entrance out, the one whom is now in a coma.

This is messed up...she didn't deserve one there deserved what they got....I'm the only one left. I noticed how much she was trying to help us all survive, she warned us about the bear traps...she is the hero of this life time...but she's in a coma because of it. The doctors said that because of what happened...and all the shocks...she may not wake up.

I glanced over and saw my parents standing in the hallway with some remorse.

"Are you coming? Dinner is ready.." my mom spoke.

"I have to stay with her. She doesn't deserve this."

They nodded and walked away.
The doctor walked in along with a detective.

"Sir, her foster parent can't make you'll be the one that decides to take her off life support or not." The doctor said with remorse.

"Woah, woah woah, I'm not letting her die!"

"Okay..tell us if you change your mind."

I noticed how much she was as a fun person....

Day 3-
I sat near the tree and suddenly woke up I saw The one and only gorgeous Paige carrying a bag.

"What's in the bag?" I asked while walking over.

She smiled and before I could blink, she crammed a potato into my mouth. I took it out quickly and grinned a bit and then started to run after her. I finally got to her and I turned her to face me, her features were even more beautiful in the sunlight.
Not knowing what else to say, I awkwardly dropped the potato in the bag. But that wasn't it for her. She quickly ran after me and jumped onto my back piggy back style.
"Piggy back time with Jackson!!" She squealed.

She literally weighed it was easy to get her off my back.

"Your adorable!" She squeaked.

" too."

"Oh god..." Jamie muttered.

Paige stuck her tongue out at Jamie and quickly walked off.

*end of flashback*

A tear went down my face as I held her hand, hoping that she'll wake up so I can see those beautiful brown eyes again.

I sat there and started praying.
I don't want anyone else to die. We survived, no one to get to us.
I just hope she's not in pain.

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