Chapter 21- Stay with me

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I heard many voices but I couldn't seem to wake up....oh god...I hope I'm not dead...

"Paige" I heard a voice.

I was still locked in darkness...what's going on...

Jackson's POV:

I glared at my mom and father.
"I'm not going anywhere until she wakes up!" I snapped.

"You barely even know her! For all you know she might die!" My mom told me.

"She won't die!"

I sat next to her bed, waiting for her to wake up. A doctor passed by the door and I jumped up and ran after him.

"Excuse me!" I yelled.

He turned and faced me and asked, "what?"

"When will Paige Daya wake up?!"

"Well....I think you should come with me..."

I followed him to a OP room. I saw an x Ray.

"So...for have to give a statement to the police." He continued, "and for two...based off all the x showed that Paige has been through major trauma..."

"So when will she wake up?"

"The trauma is bad and I don't think she'll be waking up anytime soon...I'm sorry."

My face became droopy and dull. She can't die! After everything we've been through!! It's like all we've done was just a waste...well if she dies, I die too!

I stormed out of the OP and back to paiges room, hoping she'd be awake...but no...instead she was the same way she was when I left: Quiet, and no movement.

I sat by her bedside until some detectives came in, I glanced up at them. Their was a man and a woman, they both pulled up a chair.

"Excuse me...I'm detective brynt and this is my partner detective Lisa." The male detective, detective brynt, spoke.


Detective Lisa looked at brynt and nodded.

"Do you know who any of these people are? They went missing not very long ago."

The photos were of Gary, Sam, Dean, Adrianna, and Jamie.

"Yes...I know who they are, they were at the place the kidnapper put us."

They looked at Paige then at me.
"Why weren't you with them?"

"Because their....dead."

They wrote down some notes.

"And how did they die?"

"Well...we were all forced to play these deadly games..."

"What were the games? How did they die?"

"Dean got killed by a tiger...Sam was smashed by the walls...Adrianna got stuck in a poisonous bear trap which killed her, Gary was exploded and Jamie was murdered by the man."

"What about Paige?"

I froze when I thought of that horrible memory...but I had to tell them.

"What happened was..."


Paige turned the corner and before I could stop her, she ran into hog face. A look of fear splattered over her face. She quickly ran toward the office but got grabbed by hog face.

"Do it, Jackson!"

Hesitant, I ran towards the office and grabbed the phone, I quickly dialed 911.
"911 what's your emergency."

"Help! Me and this girl Paige are kidnapped! We're in an abandoned building in the woods! Pl-"

"No!!" I heard Paige scream and start gasping for air, I turned around and saw her eyes closed and shaking. I ran to her quickly.

"Hurry! She's jittering!" I yelled.

"Sir I need you to sit her up!"

I did so and sat next to her. After a while she stopped shaking and I closed my eyes. After a long wait, I then heard helicopters coming. I quickly picked up Paige and ran out the door to outside. The helicopter landed and I quickly ran over to it. They then flew us to the nearest hospital.

*end of flashback*

"So you two have your necks?" Brynt asked.


They nodded and wrote down some notes and glanced at the doctor who entered the room.

"Do you think you could take out chips from their necks?"

The doctor thought for awhile.
"Depends on where it's located."

The detective looked at their notes and glanced at Paige, then at me.

"Can you take them out now?" I asked suddenly.

The doctor sighed.
"I guess we can.."

I went to the OP room, Paige on a guerny.

"You'll wake up in a few hours."

I closed my eyes, holding Paiges hand.

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