ix. Sweet Talker

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Considering she was disabled, having no experience with long distance long-running, and navigating her way through the streets by whacking away at things in every direction, Nayeon was making sufficient time. Bustling masses of people scurried out of her way when they saw her whacking her way through metals chairs and poles. Many were bewildered with what this crazy girl was doing, not suspecting that she was blind. Out of a rush, Nayeon forgot to wear her protective sunglasses. She pretty much lost the care for any of her priorities the moment she ran out of the auditorium. Inexplicable emotions of all sorts came crashing on her. Running for a long period of time wasn't good for her joints. Soon, she arrived at the park and was out of breath.

It dawned on her that from the absence of any other voices other than the tweeting of birds or chipmunks or leaves crunching, Nayeon was the only human in the park. By the time she got her hands off her knees, she had the energy to stand up and strike more obscurities. The rough sounds of whipping in the air sent the animals running away. Nayeon inhaled deeply, cool crisp air flowing through her nostrils. It was one of the rarest autumn of her life that made her feel truly alive. She missed that feeling of not being caged in her room all day with nothing but audiobooks to keep her company. That was prior to meeting Jeongyeon; "The Dark Years," as Nayeon would label them.

Nayeon wished that Jeongyeon could see this view and experience this sense of independency; Nayeon wanted nothing more than to be able to witness this moment and capture the memory to be locked away in the safe corners of her mind. The swishing leaves briskly performed a dance with the wind, cool air spiraling through the fields of grass that lay all around her. Temperate whispers of air passed through Nayeon's clothing without saying a word, leaving nothing but a trail of goosebumps on her arms.

Deprived of witnessing any of this, Nayeon grew infuriated. She was crossed with herself for being disadvantaged. But the sultry kiss Mother Sun gave to her child instantly elevated her mood; telling Nayeon that was understandable for her to be angry but that doesn't mean she needed eyes to be able to feel beauty around her. In that very essence in time, Nayeon released all of her pain, giving it to the sunset. Mother Sun told Nayeon that she would be just fine and that whatever she was going through, Nayeon would be able to make it work; she's always had.

When the gloaming start lowering further into the trees and Nayeon felt chillier than warm, she set foot again, smacking the dirt to lead her way. There was a particular spot she went with Jeongyeon one time where they went since Jeongyeon forced her to skip one class, just one class. Nayeon insisted that they only be gone for that one class but they ended up not going back and spending the rest of the day at the park.

Where was that again? Am I even going in the right direction? Nayeon continued to smack the ground with her walking stick, hitting away big rocks and stabbing at fallen leaves.

If the ducks were still hear then their quacking could lead me t-- She had missed only one stone that was burrowed into the ground. The giant rock caught a hold of her bed, sending her flying forward and into the pond. With a hearty squeal, Nayeon fell face first into the murky waters, alarming two swans that were peacefully taking a wade.


Nayeon laughed scornfully at her clumsiness.

"Just what the doctor ordered; I'm blind AND I'm gonna catch a cold. Can this day get ANY worse?"

As if the heavens have answered her sarcastic plea, her phone buzzed in her back pocket.

"Nabugs, you have one text message from Momoring: Where r you? Sent 1 minute ago."

"I'm not gonna answer that. I just want to be alone for once." Nayeon had the aching urge to roll her eyes but couldn't. She got off her knees, hoisting herself up with her cane. Squeezing some pond water from her hair, Nayeon took her phone from her back pocket and tapped on the top screen.

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