xxxiii. Healed

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Warmth radiated throughout the household. Engulfing the family that lived in it. This was a family that was created through hardships and especially love. It was with that love that allowed them to surpass such difficulties and was what molded them into the beloved family that they were now.

In this home was the scent of lavender, the delicate blooms in an old jam jar. The perfume brought out the delicate purple hue to the walls, the very same shade that is the color of spring forget-me-nots in the morning light. Nayeon never aspired to a large home, preferring cozy and friendly. It was the perfect space for her family's needs and many of their wants.

It was what Jeongyeon liked to call it, their "cottage" in the sky, furnished with everything vintage, the old being a stage for new creations, new paintings daubed on perfect squares of canvass.

A space is just space until you bring your own personality to it, make your mark, express what is sacred to you.

Their home was rooms and walls like any other, beds, tables and chairs, yet it was only the love there that mattered. The walls were the colors of nature and the brightness of the sun, somewhere Nayeon adored. The walls were smiles and cheekiness, decorated with the pictures of the people who held her heart. While they dwelled there, their home was so much more than the sum of its parts and for that Nayeon had loved to thank, the glue of her existence.

Nayeon was in the kitchen, scrubbing good off the plates and washing them thoroughly. They had just finished a splendid lunch on a chilly and gloomy Saturday. Winds blew from the west, changing their direction every hour.

The water moved softly around Nayeon's outstretched fingers, caressing coolly, eddying in their wake. She was nearly finished with a tupperware when she pulled her hand out and watched the drips, both transparent and opaque at the same time. They fell as if snatched by gravity to the saline below, each one swiftly haloed by ever-growing rings, distorting the bubbly dishwater.

There wasn't time to scrub the dishes until she could see her own reflection in them. That type of cleaning wasn't Nayeon's style anyway. Jeongyeon was the neat-freak around these households and she's been trying to get their daughter to be her little helper. On the other hand, Nayeon had been combating Jeongyeon by showing their daughter that it was completely fine to be lazy every once in a while and not care at all. Chaotically good energy always dispersed in large chunks within their loving household.

With a shaky sigh, she placed her hands on the edge of the sink, afraid to lose her balance. Somehow, the excessive scrubbing made her lightheaded, nearly making her lose a step. Nayeon threw off the yellow gloves and dried her hands on the apron. Going over to the rack, she hung up the apron and left the kitchen.

Her light footsteps echoed on the marble flooring. Jeongyeon and their daughter heard Nayeon from a few feet away and laid their eyes on her. As soon as Nayeon met their gaze, she immediately brightened up by the tender attention she subtlety received. She threw hair up, indicating the gesture as a matter-of-fact that she had arrived. Jeongyeon and their daughter giggled at Nayeon's silliness, Jeongyeon rolling her eyes but smirking right after.

Nayeon had walked in on Jeongyeon attaching their daughter's little red bow tie. It made her look like a tiny butler. She was really a mini version of Nayeon from head to toe. The only difference was her eyes. Oddly enough, their daughter had Jeongyeon's eyes. It was the irises that really made a difference.

Putting her hand on a knee to stand up, Jeongyeon let out an alleviation breath. She grinned at their daughter and snatched a kiss on her forehead, which made the little girl squeal. Just like Nayeon, she didn't favor quite a lot of affection.

"How do you like my bow, Mommy?" Their daughter looked up at Nayeon with shimmering eyes, excited to hear the praise her mother would feed her for the work that Jeongyeon had done.

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