Your questions ANSWERED

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So we meet again, lovelies.

So we meet again, lovelies

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You had a lot of them. And I'm going to answer every single one of them to the best of my abilities.

 And I'm going to answer every single one of them to the best of my abilities

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Let's get it~

Q: What story are you planning to publish next?

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Q: What story are you planning to publish next?

Q: What story are you planning to publish next?

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A: That's a very good question. And I do have something planned for quite some time. I have so many drafts, like 30, and out of those I have published 9 and completed only 2 books in my 6 years of being on Wattpad. (Wow talk about big writers block)'s a story that was inspired by a book I was reading and immediately to work on it. Coz when I get inspired by watching something, I think "I should write a book about it" but I never finish what I started. But I decided to continue writing this my next biggest project. It's a fanfic, obviously, and I guess you wanna know what the ship is, right?

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